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Spin up an autoscaling stack of Buildkite Agents on Kubernetes


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Buildkite Agent Stack for Kubernetes

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A Kubernetes controller that runs Buildkite steps as Kubernetes jobs.



Deploy with Helm

The simplest way to get up and running is by deploying our Helm chart:

helm upgrade --install agent-stack-k8s oci:// \
    --create-namespace \
    --namespace buildkite \
    --set<your Buildkite org slug> \
    --set agentToken=<your Buildkite agent token> \
    --set graphqlToken=<your Buildkite GraphQL-enabled API token>

We're using Helm's support for OCI-based registries, which means you'll need Helm version 3.8.0 or newer.

Externalize Secrets

You can also have an external provider create a secret for you in the namespace before deploying the chart with helm. If the secret is pre-provisioned, replace the agentToken and graphqlToken arguments with:

--set agentStackSecret=<secret-name>

The format of the required secret can be found in this file.

Other Installation Methods

You can also use this chart as a dependency:

- name: agent-stack-k8s
  version: "0.5.0"
  repository: "oci://"

or use it as a template:

helm template oci:// -f my-values.yaml

Available versions and their digests can be found on the releases page.


$ agent-stack-k8s --help
  agent-stack-k8s [flags]
  agent-stack-k8s [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  lint        A tool for linting Buildkite pipelines
  version     Prints the version

      --agent-token-secret string   name of the Buildkite agent token secret (default "buildkite-agent-token")
      --buildkite-token string      Buildkite API token with GraphQL scopes
      --cluster-uuid string         UUID of the Buildkite Cluster. The agent token must be for the Buildkite Cluster.
  -f, --config string               config file path
      --debug                       debug logs
  -h, --help                        help for agent-stack-k8s
      --image string                The image to use for the Buildkite agent (default "")
      --job-ttl duration            time to retain kubernetes jobs after completion (default 10m0s)
      --max-in-flight int           max jobs in flight, 0 means no max (default 25)
      --namespace string            kubernetes namespace to create resources in (default "default")
      --org string                  Buildkite organization name to watch
      --profiler-address string     Bind address to expose the pprof profiler (e.g. localhost:6060)
      --tags strings                A comma-separated list of tags for the agent (for example, "linux" or "mac,xcode=8") (default [queue=kubernetes])

Configuration can also be provided by a config file (--config or CONFIG), or environment variables. In the examples folder there is a sample YAML config and a sample dotenv config.

Sample buildkite pipeline

  - label: build image
      queue: kubernetes
      - kubernetes:
              - image: alpine:latest
                command: [echo]
                - "Hello, world!"

The podSpec of the kubernetes plugin can support any field from the PodSpec resource in the Kubernetes API documentation.

If however no podSpec is specified then behaviour will default to the command step.

  - command: ""

More samples can be found in the integration test fixtures directory.

Buildkite Clusters

If you are using Buildkite Cluster to isolate sets of pipelines from each other, you will need to specify the cluster's UUID in the configuration for the controller. This may be done using a flag on the helm command like so: --set config.cluster-uuid=<your cluster's UUID>, or an entry in a values file.

# values.yaml
  cluster-uuid: beefcafe-abbe-baba-abba-deedcedecade

The cluster's UUID may be obtained by navigating to the clusters page, clicking on the relevant cluster and then clicking on "Settings". It will be in a section titled "GraphQL API Integration".


Sidecar containers can be added to your job by specifying them under the top-level sidecars key. See this example for a simple job that runs nginx as a sidecar, and accesses the nginx server from the main job.

There is no guarantee that your sidecars will have started before your job, so using retries or a tool like wait-for-it is a good idea to avoid flaky tests.

Extra volume mounts

In some situations, for example if you want to use git mirrors you may want to attach extra volume mounts (in addition to the /workspace one) in all the pod containers.

See this example, that will declare a new volume in the podSpec and mount it in all the containers. The benefit, is to have the same mounted path in all containers, including the checkout container.

Validating your pipeline

With the unstructured nature of Buildkite plugin specs, it can be frustratingly easy to mess up your configuration and then have to debug why your agent pods are failing to start. To help prevent this sort of error, there's a linter that uses JSON schema to validate the pipeline and plugin configuration.

This currently can't prevent every sort of error, you might still have a reference to a Kubernetes volume that doesn't exist, or other errors of that sort, but it will validate that the fields match the API spec we expect.

Our JSON schema can also be used with editors that support JSON Schema by configuring your editor to validate against the schema found here.

Cloning repos via SSH

To use SSH to clone your repos, you'll need to add a secret reference via an EnvFrom to your pipeline to specify where to mount your SSH private key from.

  - label: build image
      queue: kubernetes
      - kubernetes:
            - secretRef: { name: agent-stack-k8s } # <--
              - image: gradle:latest
                command: [gradle]
                  - jib

The agent will automatically configure SSH access based on environment variables using the docker-ssh-env-config shell script. This script will run during the checkout stage of the job, and all resulting SSH keys and SSH config will live in the /workspace/.ssh in subsequent containers of the job.

To use these keys and config in a separate step, for example if your job runs git clone, you can either:

  • symlink the /workspace/.ssh directory to ~/.ssh
  • specify the path to the key explicitly, for example by setting GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i /workspace/.ssh/id_rsa" in your job's environment.

Note that setting the HOME environment variable in your container will likely not work, since OpenSSH looks for the home directory configured in /etc/passwd.

How does it work

The controller uses the Buildkite GraphQL API to watch for scheduled work that uses the kubernetes plugin.

When a job is available, the controller will create a pod to acquire and run the job. It converts the PodSpec in the kubernetes plugin into a pod by:

  • adding an init container to:
    • copy the agent binary onto the workspace volume
  • adding a container to run the buildkite agent
  • adding a container to clone the source repository
  • modifying the user-specified containers to:
    • overwrite the entrypoint to the agent binary
    • run with the working directory set to the workspace

The entrypoint rewriting and ordering logic is heavily inspired by the approach used in Tekton.


    participant bc as buildkite controller
    participant gql as Buildkite GraphQL API
    participant bapi as Buildkite API
    participant kubernetes
    bc->>gql: Get scheduled builds & jobs
    gql-->>bc: {build: jobs: [{uuid: "abc"}]}
    kubernetes->>pod: start
    bc->>kubernetes: watch for pod completions
    bc->>kubernetes: create pod with agent sidecar
    kubernetes->>pod: create
    pod->>bapi: agent accepts & starts job
    pod->>pod: run sidecars
    pod->>pod: agent bootstrap
    pod->>pod: run user pods to completion
    pod->>bapi: upload artifacts, exit code
    pod->>pod: agent exit
    kubernetes->>bc: pod completion event
    bc->>kubernetes: cleanup finished pods


Install dependencies with Homebrew via:

brew bundle

Run tasks via just:

just --list

For running the integration tests you'll need to add some additional scopes to your Buildkite API token:

  • read_artifacts
  • read_build_logs
  • write_pipelines

You'll also need to create an SSH secret in your cluster to run this test pipeline. This SSH key needs to be associated with your GitHub account to be able to clone this public repo, and must be in a form acceptable to OpenSSH (aka BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY, not BEGIN PRIVATE KEY).

kubectl create secret generic agent-stack-k8s --from-file=SSH_PRIVATE_RSA_KEY=$HOME/.ssh/id_github

Run from source

First store the agent token in a Kubernetes secret:

kubectl create secret generic buildkite-agent-token --from-literal=BUILDKITE_AGENT_TOKEN=my-agent-token

Next start the controller:

just run --org my-org --buildkite-token my-api-token --debug

Local Deployment with Helm

just deploy will build the container image using ko and deploy it with Helm.

You'll need to have set KO_DOCKER_REPO to a repository you have push access to. For development something like the kind local registry or the minikube registry can be used. More information is available at ko's website.

You'll also need to provide required configuration values to Helm, which can be done by passing extra args to just:

just deploy --values config.yaml

With config.yaml being a file containing required Helm values, such as:

agentToken: "abcdef"
graphqlToken: "12345"
  org: "my-buildkite-org"

The config key contains configuration passed directly to the binary, and so supports all the keys documented in the example.

Collect logs via script

Use the log-collector script in the utils folder to collect logs for agent-stack-k8s.


kubectl binary

kubectl setup and authenticated to correct k8s cluster

Inputs to the script

k8s namespace where you deployed agent stack k8s and where you expect their k8s jobs to run.

Buildkite job id for which you saw issues.

Data/logs gathered:

The script will collect kubectl describe of k8s job, pod and agent stack k8s controller pod.

It will also capture kubectl logs of k8s pod for the Buildkite job, agent stack k8s controller pod and package them in a tar archive which you can send via email to

Open questions

  • How to deal with stuck jobs? Timeouts?
  • How to deal with pod failures (not job failures)?
    • Report failure to buildkite from controller?
    • Emit pod logs to buildkite? If agent isn't starting correctly
    • Retry?


Spin up an autoscaling stack of Buildkite Agents on Kubernetes



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  • Go 84.8%
  • Shell 9.4%
  • Smarty 4.2%
  • Just 1.5%
  • Ruby 0.1%