This package brings the tradition of geospatial statistics to spatial omics by wrapping classical geospatial packages such as spdep
and gstat
to be used with the SpatialFeatureExperiment class, which extends SpatialExperiment with sf.
The companion website for this package includes vignettes that showcase the functionality of Voyager
in the context of the Visium, Slide-seq V2, CosMx, Xenium, and MERFISH technologies.
This package is in Bioconductor version 3.16 and above. Install with
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager")) install.packages("BiocManager")
BiocManager::install(version = "3.17") # Or a higher version in the future
The main branch in this repo is the release version. The development version of Voyager can be installed from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
remotes::install_github("pachterlab/voyager", ref = "devel")
Or from Bioconductor with:
BiocManager::install("Voyager", version = "devel")
The whole git repo of this package is huge because of the large number of figures and Jupyter notebooks in the documentation website. To reduce download time and disk space usage, you may clone the devel
branch only, so the documentation branches are not cloned:
git clone -b devel --single-branch