Jobly is a full stack mock job-search application in which users can login, view companies/jobs, and apply to open positions. The backend features a RESTful API with token-based authentication and the frontend uses React Context to manage global state. Integration tests are written with Jest and SuperTest.
Utilizes: React, React Context, Node, Express, JSON Web Tokens, Bcrypt, Jest, SuperTest, PostgreSQL.
Live demo:
Create a new account or login using the following information:
- Username: test
- Password: password
Clone the repository and set up the database:
git clone
createdb jobly
psql jobly < data.sql
Start the backend server:
cd backend/
npm install
Start the frontend:
cd frontend/
npm install
npm start
cd backend/
createdb jobly-test
jest companies.test.js
jest jobs.test.js
jest users.test.js