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A command line utility that creates GitHub Actions Workflows for Paketo-style buildpacks


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Pipeline Builder

The Pipeline Builder is a collection of tools related to GitHub Actions and other GitHub-related concerns for Paketo-style buildpacks. This collection includes GitHub actions, a CLI that configures pipelines for repositories, and a collection of descriptors for existing repositories.

Octo Pipelines

Octo Pipelines is a CLI that generates a collection of GitHub Workflows and other Github-related artifacts in a repository. The pipeline generator takes a simplified descriptor as input and transforms it into more complicated workflows and artifacts.

Getting Started

The command line can either be built...

$: go build -o octo-bin -ldflags="-s -w" cmd/octo/main.go
$: sudo mv octo-bin /usr/local/bin/octo
$: cd ~/path-to/paketo-buildpacks/azul-zulu/.github
$: octo --descriptor <DESCRIPTOR>

...or run directly using Go.

$: go run --descriptor <DESCRIPTOR>

Make sure you run Octo from the .github folder where the descriptor file is

The input is a YAML-based descriptor, examples of which can be found in .github/pipeline-descriptor.yml in other repositories.

Common Workflows

Regardless of the contents of the descriptor the pipeline builder creates a minimal set of workflows and artifacts.


A Dependendabot configuration file is added to all repositories. It will always add an update for github-actions, and if the repository contains a go.mod file, it will also add an update for gomod.


In order to facilitate the automated creation of draft releases and notes, a set of semver-scope labels (semver:major, semver:minor, and semver:patch) and type labels (type:bug, type:dependency-upgrade, type:documentation, type:enhancement, type:question, type:task) are added to the repository. In addition, a workflow that enforces exactly one of each label is attached to every PR.

Pipeline Updater

A pipeline-updating workflow is added to the repository to ensure that workflows are kept up to date as the pipeline-builder evolves.

Release Drafter

Draft release notes are created on every commit to main. These notes take into account every PR since the previous release in order to create a division of the types of changes that were made and the semver scope of the change to work out the next release number.


The descriptor is a YAML document with a number of top-level keys that correspond to new workflows, modified workflows, or artifacts. All top-level keys except github are optional.

github (REQUIRED)

  username: ${{ secrets.JAVA_GITHUB_USERNAME }}
  token:    ${{ secrets.JAVA_GITHUB_TOKEN }}
  - '|tanzu-buildpacks|paketo-buildpacks|'
  - '|tanzu-buildpacks\/|pivotal-cf/tanzu-|'
    'tanzu-buildpacks/java-function': buildpacks/java

github is an object the describes the GitHub identity that the pipeline should use in the many places that GitHub API access is required. The token must be granted the repo, write:packages, and workflow scopes.

Token Scopes

The mappers list is optional and is used by the Draft Release workflow. Mappers are used to control how the action looks up metadata in Github for a buildpack. See the action notes for more information.

The buildpack_toml_paths map allows you to specify a map of buildpack ids and map them to the location within the Github repository where the buildpack.toml file exists. The path does not need to contain buildpack.toml, that is assumed and added automatically (although including it won't break anything).


- path:  "*"
  owner: "@paketo-buildpacks/java-buildpacks"

codeowners is a list of objects test describe a path and owner. Each of these objects corresponds to a line in CODEOWNERS file.


  repository:           ""
  repositories:         ["",""]
  include_dependencies: false
  register:             true
  registry_token:       ${{ secrets.JAVA_REGISTRY_TOKEN }}
  source_path:          subdir/adoptium
    os: linux

package is an object that describes the repositories a buildpackage should be published to as well as whether to include the buildpackage's dependencies when creating it (false by default). If defined, a create-package workflow is created that creates and publishes a new package when a release is published as well as adds a create-package job to the tests workflow that is run on each PR and each commit. It will also add additional content to the draft release notes about the contents of the build package and will update the digest of the buildpackage in the published release notes. If register is true, after the package is created, it is registered with the Buildpack Registry Index.

repository is the primary repository. It is the repository registered with the Buildpack Registry Index. It defaults to the first entry in repositories so if a value is specified, this will take preference over repositories[0].

repositories is the list of repositories that the image should be published to. The list is an array of strings. If repository is not set then the first registry address will be used for repository, which is the address that's added to the Buildpack Registry Index. When multiple repositories are set, the image will be packaged once and then copied to subsequent repository addresses specified for efficiency.

If you have a single repository to which you want to publish, using repository is preferred but it is the same as setting repositories to a single repository. If you have multiple repositories, you may set both repository and repositories but that's only necessary if you need a repository registered with the Buildpack Registry Index that's not the first in the repositories list.

source_path is the optional path to the buildpack's directory relative to the repository's root. Defaults to the repository root.

platform describes what platform the created package should be built for. os can be set to linux or windows (linux by default).



builder is an object that describes the repository a builder should be published to. If defined, a create-builder workflow is created that's creates and publishes a new builder when a release is published as well as adds a create-builder job to the tests workflow that is run on each PR and each commit. It will also add additional content to the draft release notes about the contents of the build package and will update the digest of the builder in the published release notes. Finally it will add update workflows for the lifecycle and builder image elements of the builder.toml file.


- registry:
  username: _json_key
  password: ${{ secrets.JAVA_GCLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY }}

docker_credentials is a list of objects that describes a registry, username, and password for authenticating against a Docker registry. In every job that registry access is required, a Docker Login Action is created and conditionalized so that it will only run on pushes to main and on PRs that come from the same repository (to protect the secrets).


- host:
  username: ${{ secrets.AQUA_SECURITY_USERNAME }}
  password: ${{ secrets.AQUA_SECURITY_PASSWORD }}

http_credentials is a list of objects that describe a host, username, and password for authenticating requests against an HTTP endpoint. In every job that HTTP access is required a .netrc file is written and conditionalized so that it will only be written on pushes to main and on PRs that come from the same repository (to protect the secrets).


- name:            JRE 11
  id:              jre
  version_pattern: "11\\.[\\d]+\\.[\\d]+"
  purl_pattern:    "version-11\\.[\\d]+\\.[\\d]+"
  cpe_pattern:     "patch[\\d]+"
  uses:            docker://
    implementation: hotspot
    type:           jre
    version:        "[11,12)"

dependencies is a list of objects that define how dependencies are detected and updated by describing an optional name (defaults to id), id that matches a buildpack.toml defined dependency id, an optional version_pattern that defines which dependency with a given id to update, optional purl_pattern and cpe_pattern values which allow you to provide alternative patterns for updating the CPEs and PURL (they default to the version pattern), a uses to define which GitHub Action to use to find the next version, and a with used to configure the GitHub action to use to find the next version. If defined, each object will create an update workflow that is responsible for detecting a new version, updating buildpack.toml and opening a PR to include the change in the repository, if appropriate.


  - name: Install richgo
    run: |
      #!/usr/bin/env bash

      set -euo pipefail

      echo "Installing richgo ${RICHGO_VERSION}"

      mkdir -p "${HOME}"/bin
      echo "${HOME}/bin" >> "${GITHUB_PATH}"

      curl \
        --location \
        --show-error \
        --silent \
        "${RICHGO_VERSION}/richgo_${RICHGO_VERSION}_linux_amd64.tar.gz" \
      | tar -C "${HOME}"/bin -xz richgo
  - name: Run Tests
    run: |
      #!/usr/bin/env bash

      set -euo pipefail

      richgo test ./...

test is an object that allows you to override the default test configuration by specifying a list of steps as defined by the GitHub Actions reference documentation. The default value is described in the example above.


path: ..

path is a pointer to a Git repository, on your local filesystem, where files will be created. If unspecified, the default is ...


- source: paketo-buildpacks/adoptium
  tag_prefix: my-buildpack/
  source_path: subdir/adoptium
    os: linux

offline_packages is a list of objects that describe a source GitHub repository and a target Docker registry location. If defined, each object will create a create-package workflow that is responsible for detecting a new online buildpackage release and creating a matching offline buildpackage release and publishing it.

source_path is the optional path to the buildpack's directory relative to the repository's root. Defaults to the repository root.

tag_prefix is the optional prefix to filter for when detecting the buildpack's version via tags. Defaults to empty string.

platform describes what platform the created package should be built for. os can be set to linux or windows (linux by default).


- source:
  id: tanzu-buildpacks/bellsoft-liberica-lite
  target_repo: paketo-buildpacks/bellsoft-liberica
  tag_prefix: java/

republish_images is a list of objects that describe a source Docker registry location, a target Docker registry location, and a new buildpack id. If defined, each object will create a republish-image workflow that is responsible for detecting new source images, modifying the buildpack id of the image to the new id, and publishing a new target image with the modified buildpack id.

The target_repo setting can be used to point the workflow to a different source control repository for the target image. It's assumed to be the current repository, but for cases where you have a utility repo which is republishing multiple images you need to point the workflow to are repository from which it can read the git tags and extract the target version. The example above, points it to the source image's code repository so it'll end up with a source and target version that are in sync.

tag_prefix is the optional prefix to filter for when detecting the buildpack's version via tags. Defaults to empty string.


- source: adoptium-dependency

actions is a list of objects that describe a source directory within this repository's actions/ directory, and a target Docker registry location. If defined, each object will create a create-action workflow that is responsible for building and publishing new versions of the action.


This repository contains the source code and build pipelines for a collection of GitHub actions that are used by buildpacks. Most of these actions are used to find the latest version of given dependencies.

All the of the dependency actions also accept a pre_release configuration option (true by default) of whether to return pre-release versions.

Adoptium Dependency

The Adoptium Dependency queries the Adoptium API for new versions.

uses: docker://
  implementation: hotspot
  type:           jre
  version:        "[11,12)"

Alibaba Dragonwell Dependency

The Alibaba Dependency watches Alibaba repositories for new versions.

uses: docker://
  glob:       Alibaba_Dragonwell_[\d\.]+_x64_linux.tar.gz$
  repository: dragonwell<jdk-version>
  token:      ${{ secrets.JAVA_GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Amazon Corretto Dependency

The Amazon Corretto Dependency watches Amazon Corretto repositories for new versions.

uses: docker://
  glob:       amazon-corretto-11\.[\d.-]+-linux-x64.tar.gz
  repository: corretto-11

AppDynamics Dependency

The AppDynamics Dependency queries the AppDynamics API for new versions.

uses: docker://
  type: sun-jvm

Aqua Security Dependency

The Aqua Security Dependency queries the Aqua Security API for new versions.

uses: docker://
  username: ${{ secrets.AQUA_SECURITY_USERNAME }}
  password: ${{ secrets.AQUA_SECURITY_PASSWORD }}

Azul Zulu Dependency

The Azul Zulu Dependency queries the Azul Zulu API for new versions.

uses: docker://
  type:    headfull
  version: "11"

Bellsoft Liberica Dependency

The Bellsoft Liberica Dependency queries the Bellsoft Liberica API for new versions.

uses: docker://
  type:    jre
  version: "11"

CA APM Dependency

The CA APM Dependency watches the CA APM Download Page for new versions.

uses: docker://
  type: java

CF Java Index Dependency

The CF Java Index Dependency querys a CloudFoundry Java buildpack v2 index.yml file for new versions.

uses: docker://
  repository_root: <repo-root>

Clojure Tools Dependency

The Clojure Tools Dependency watches Clojure Tools repositories for new versions. It then filters based on the file in their brew tap repo, allowing it to pick the most recent stable version.

uses: docker://
  token:      ${{ secrets.JAVA_GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Compute Artifact Dependencies

The Compute Artifact Dependencies takes a buildpack image and produces the list of included dependencies. It's used for generating release notes. If the image is a composite buildpack, then it will recursively load all of the referenced buildpacks, pulling metadata directly from Github, and give a compete, sorted and deduplicated list of dependencies.

A Github token is strongly recommended. This is for fetching information from Github, and without it you might get rate limited. It is required for private repositories.

The package and version entries are required. They are required to indiciate the specific buildpack that will be described.

A mapper will add additional permutations of Github project URIs to try. For example, if you have an image URI of but the Github project is at then you can add a mapper of |foo\/bar|org/foo-bar| to have compute-artifact-dependencies try both. You can specify as many mappers as you want, with each mapper generating a new URI for compute-artifact-dependencies to try. It will stop when it hits the first URL that successfully pulls back the buildpack.toml file.Mappers may use regexp capture groups and reference the captured value with $<num> (ex: $1, $2, etc) in the regular expression.

The location of the buildpack.toml file in the Github project is assumed to be at /buildpack.toml. If you have a monorepo with multiple buildpacks, you may adjust the location by setting an environment variable in the format BP_TOML_PATH_<org>_<repo>=actual/path where <org> and <repo> are the organization and repo pulled out of the image URI. For example, The org is foo and the repo is bar. A leading / is not necessary, nor is buildpack.toml on the end. You may omit that to shorten the value and the action will automatically add /buildpack.toml to the end. For example, with an org of vmware-tanzu and a repo of function-buildpacks-for-knative the environment variable would be BP_TOML_PATH_VMWARE_TANZU_FUNCTION_BUILDPACKS_FOR_KNATIVE=buildpacks/java/buildpack.toml, which would be the same as BP_TOML_PATH_VMWARE_TANZU_FUNCTION_BUILDPACKS_FOR_KNATIVE=buildpacks/java since the trailing buildpack.toml is optional.

The output is artifact-reference-description, which can be referenced by other jobs.

uses: docker://
  github_token: ${{ secrets.JAVA_GITHUB_TOKEN }}
  package:      ""
  version:      "1.2.3"
  mapper_1:     '|tanzu-buildpacks|paketo-buildpacks|'
  mapper_2:     '|tanzu-buildpacks\/|pivotal-cf/tanzu-|'

Draft Release

The draft-release action is used to augment release notes generated by the release-drafter action. The release-drafter pulls in notes based on PR changes. The draft-release action is what augments those with all of the buildpack specific information. For example, dependencies included or order groups.

The draft-release action needs to be able to look up and remotely fetch buildpack metadata. It does this by obtaining the buildpack.toml file for any dependent buildpacks from Github. This requires mapping the image URI to the Github project URI, which is not always one-to-one. As such, the action supports mappers.

A mapper will add additional permutations of Github project URIs to try. For example, if you have an image URI of but the Github project is at then you can add a mapper of |foo\/bar|org/foo-bar| to have draft-release try both. You can specify as many mappers as you want, with each mapper generating a new URI for draft-release to try. It will stop when it hits the first URL that successfully pulls back the buildpack.toml file. Mappers may use regexp capture groups and reference the captured value with $<num> (ex: $1, $2, etc) in the regular expression.

The location of the buildpack.toml file in the Github project is assumed to be at /buildpack.toml. If you have a monorepo with multiple buildpacks, you may adjust the location by setting an environment variable for the action in the format BP_TOML_PATH_<org>_<repo>=actual/path where <org> and <repo> are the organization and repo pulled out of the image URI. For example, The org is foo and the repo is bar.

A leading / on the environment variable is not necessary, nor is buildpack.toml on the end. You may omit both to shorten the value and the action adjust as required. For example, with an org of tanzu-buildpacks and a repo of java-function then the environment variable would be BP_TOML_PATH_TANZU_BUILDPACKS_JAVA_FUNCTION=/buildpacks/java/buildpack.toml, which would be the same as BP_TOML_PATH_TANZU_BUILDPACKS_JAVA_FUNCTION=buildpacks/java since the trailing buildpack.toml is optional.

uses: docker://
  github_token:     ${{ secrets.JAVA_GITHUB_TOKEN }}
  mapper_1:         '|tanzu-buildpacks|paketo-buildpacks|'
  mapper_2:         '|tanzu-buildpacks\/|pivotal-cf/tanzu-|'
  release_body:     ${{ steps.release-drafter.outputs.body }}
  release_id:       ${{ }}
  release_name:     ${{ }}
  release_tag_name: ${{ steps.release-drafter.outputs.tag_name }}

Foojay Dependency

The Foojay Dependency queries the Foojay API for new versions.

uses: docker://
  distro:  microsoft
  type:    jdk
  version: "11"

GCS Dependency

The GCS Dependency watches GCS Buckets for new versions. The first capture in glob is used as the version.

uses: docker://
  bucket: projectriff
  glob:   command-function-invoker/command-function-invoker-linux-amd64-([\d\.]+).tgz

GitHub Release Dependency

The GitHub Release Dependency watches GitHub Releases for new versions. The first capture in glob is used as the version.

uses: docker://
  glob:       sapmachine-jre-.+_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz
  owner:      SAP
  repository: SapMachine
  tag_filter: sapmachine-(11.*)
  token:      ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Google Stackdriver Profiler Dependency

The Google Stackdriver Profiler Dependency watches the Google Cloud Profiler bucket for new versions.

uses: docker://

GraalVM Dependency

The GraalVM Dependency watches the GraalVM Repository for new versions.

uses: docker://
  glob:    graalvm-ce-java11-linux-amd64-.+.tar.gz
  token:   ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
  version: 11

Gradle Dependency

The Gradle Dependency queries the Gradle API for new versions.

uses: docker://

IBM Semeru Dependency

The IBM Semeru Dependency queries the Gradle API for new versions.

uses: docker://
  glob: ibm-semeru-open-jdk_x64_linux_.+_openj9-.+.tar.gz
  owner: ibmruntimes
  repository: semeru8-binaries
  tag_filter: jdk(.*8.*)
  token: ${{ secrets.JAVA_GITHUB_TOKEN }}

JProfiler Dependency

The JProfiler Dependency watches the JProfiler Changelog for new versions.

uses: docker://

JRebel Dependency

The JRebel Dependency watches the JRebel Download Page for new versions.

uses: docker://

Leiningen Dependency

The Leiningen Dependency watches the Leiningen Repository for new versions.

uses: docker://
  token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Liberty Dependency

The Liberty Dependency watches a Maven Repository for new versions.

uses: docker://
  group_id:    org.apache.maven
  artifact_id: apache-maven
  classifier:  bin
  packaging:   tar.gz

Maven Dependency

The Maven Dependency queries a Maven Repository for new versions.

uses: docker://
  group_id:      org.apache.maven
  artifact_id:   apache-maven
  classifier:    bin
  packaging:     tar.gz
  version_regex: ^3\.[\d]+\.[\d]+$

New Relic Dependency

The New Relic Dependency watches the New Relic Download Page for new versions.

uses: docker://
  type: php

NPM Dependency

The NPM Dependency queries the NPM API for new versions.

uses: docker://
  package: "@google-cloud/debug-agent"

OverOps Dependency

The OverOps Dependency watches the OverOps Download Page for new versions.

uses: docker://

Paketo Deps Dependency

The Paketo Deps Dependency queries the Paketo Deps Server for new versions.

uses: docker://
  name: rust

Aternity Dependency

The Aternity Dependency watches the Aternity Bucket for new versions.

uses: docker://

Rustup Init Dependency

The Rustup Init Dependency queries the Rustup Github Project for new versions. The target specifies the target triple to download.

uses: docker://
  target: x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  token: ${{ secrets.PAKETO_BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Rust Dependency

The Rust Dependency queries the Rust Github Project for the latest version. The target specifies the target triple to download.

uses: docker://
  target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  token: ${{ secrets.PAKETO_BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Skywalking Dependency

The Skywalking Dependency watches the Apache Skywalking Download Page for new versions.

uses: docker://

Spring Generations

The Spring Generations queries the Spring Generations API for the generation lifecycle of Spring projects.

uses: docker://

Tomcat Dependency

The Tomcat Dependency watches the Apache Tomcat Download Page for new versions. An optional version_regex can be specified to filter on a specific minor versions. If set, the regex must include three capture groups. For example, ^v(10)\.(0)\.([\d]+)/$ to match 10.0.*.

uses: docker://
  version_regex: ^v([\d]+)\.([\d]+)\.([\d]+)/$

Tomee Dependency

The Tomee Dependency watches the Apache Tomee Download Page for new versions. Available distributions are microprofile, webprofile, plus or plume.

uses: docker://
  dist: webprofile
  major: 9

YourKit Dependency

The YourKit Dependency watches the YourKit Download Page for new versions.

uses: docker://

Updating Go version

When it is time to update the Go version in the project, you should make sure that the Go version is the same across the different tools in this repository.

Most importantly, the Go version must be bumped in Octo and in the actions Dockerfile at the same time.

The Go version is also in the different workflows, however, this will be updated automatically by octo. You can run octo locally or submit a PR, and when the PR is merged CI will run octo and in turn submit another PR that updates the Go version.


This library is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.