Download the stable version from here
A sublime plug-in for CodeForces
This application is to assist a competitive-programmer in a CodeForces round. This application downloads all the sample test cases for a problem and runs a user's solution program on all these test cases so that no time is wasted on manual checking of the solution.
The plugin now also comes with a terminal tool which can be used to test a solution on multiple input files. This terminal tool may prove useful to problem setters.
NOTE : Please try the Plug-in once before using it in actual contest to avoid any last minute confusions.
Make Sure you have read Installation and Usage very very carefully.
- Requisites
- Installation
- Usage
- Advanced Usage (from terminal)
- Technology Used
- Testing
- Un-installation
- Linux (Tested on Ubuntu-14.04)
- Internet Connection (it should be working on terminal)
- Sublime Text-3
- To check Sublime is installed correctly
- Open a terminal window.
- Run "subl".
- If Sublime opens up, everything is perfect.
- To check Sublime is installed correctly
- A default browser
- Working g++
- To check g++ is working
- Open a terminal window.
- Run "g++".
- If it identifies the command, everything is perfect.
- To check g++ is working
- Download all the files from here.
- Run sudo ./install in the extracted directory.
- Open sublime. GoTo "Tools -> Build System" and select Buggy-C++ or Buggy-JAVA
- If you see Buggy menu in the menu-bar, installation is complete
- Change the template code by Buggy -> Template as it suits you. (Let the end-comment be there to show support :) ).
- After the installation, you should see a new menu in the menu bar, Buggy.
- Click on the Buggy menu and you'll be able to see all the options there.
- If you are not able to see all the options, "Tools -> Build System" and select CF.
- Make sure Sublime Side-Bar is visible (View -> Side Bar -> Show Side Bar).
- To start parsing the test-cases, (Buggy -> Start).
- For parsing the test-cases, provide the round-number you see in the url of the contest.
- Compile the code before running it on test-cases (Ctrl+1 or Buggy -> Compile)
- Copy the code before going to submit the code.
- If you want you can change the key-bindings too.
- If you are working behind proxy
- Open Buggy -> Config
- Enter your proxy information with format : proxyConfig: username:password@ip:port
- To change the default directory for download
- Open Buggy -> Config
- Enter your default directory with format : path: ~/path/to/target/directory/
- The c++ program is compiled with flag -D BUGGY. This enables users to use code-snippet like
#ifdef BUGGY // something #endif
- In Terminal use BuggyBatchTest --help to get details of usage from terminal.
- Terminal usage allows to run an executable on multiple input files and compare the output against multiple corresponding output files.
- The input files should have format inPrefixiinSuffix, where i is 0, 1, 2, ...
- Similarly the output files should have format outPrefixioutSuffix, where i is 0, 1, 2, ...
For example, in the case where :
- All input files are of format : ini.txt
- Input files are in the directory inputFiles
- Name of the executable is aprog
- All the output files are of format : outi.txt
- Output files are in the same directory from where the command is being run (in this case assumed to be the same directory as the executable)
- Language used is C++
- And we just want to see the verdict with colors
- For example , all input files are of format : ini.txt and these files are in directory : inputFiles, and name of the executable is aprog, then the command will be structured as : BuggyBatchtest --inPrefix in --inSuffix .txt --inPath inputFiles -f aprog -l cpp
- The application is made using Python-2.7.9 and Shell scripting
- BeautifulSoup module is used in Python
- Executables are made using cx_freeze
- Download all the files from here.
- Run sudo ./unInstall in the extracted directory.
Refer to this post for more detailed explanation of the working of the application.
For Hugs and Bugs drop a mail at