Many continuous integration services lack a nice and simple radiator view / dashboard. This project displays all your projects and selected branches with a beautiful build status based coloring.
Supported systems are CircleCI, Travis CI and Jenkins.
Pull requests are welcome.
This page will always reflect the newest content of this repository. For security reasons you may decide to fork this repository and have your own version running.
Credentials needed | Radiator URL | |
CicleCI | API token from your CircleCI account settings | index.html |
Travis CI | API token from<your_profile> | index.html?mode=travis |
Jenkins | Create a user and a token for the user in your job settings. Take note of your job endpoint URL (eg. http://host/jenkins/job/My%20Job ). |
index.html |
All options can be set either with a query parameter or from the setup form. The setup form is shown if any required parameters are missing.
Parameter | Description |
mode |
The backend system to be used: circle (default), travis or jenkins |
token |
The auth token token to be used. Note: CircleCI API tokens have read and write access. When you use the query parameter approach the token will be visible in your browser history. |
repositories |
Declare the wanted repositories in a comma-separated format eg. my-cool-project,helloWorldProject . By default all repositories will be shown. |
branch |
Select the branch to show (from all repos found in the API end point). Useful if your repos contain only a single branch (master, release etc) that should be visible in the radiator view. |
expand_workflows |
Optional. If true , shows a radiator item per CircleCI workflow |
workflows |
Optional. Declares visible workflows in a comma-separated format. Only effective if expand_workflows=true |
url |
Optional: the Jenkins job URL. |
Case | URL |
Token is entered separately in the setup form | /?mode=travis&branch=master |
Jenkins | /?mode=jenkins&token=REDACTED_TOKEN&url=http://localhost:8080/jenkins/job/My%20Job |