Country-specific Django helpers for Poland.
- forms.PLPESELField: A form field that validates input as a Polish national identification number (PESEL).
- forms.PLNationalIDCardNumberField: A form field that validates input as a Polish National ID Card number. The valid format is AAAXXXXXX, where A is letter (A-Z), X is digit and left-most digit is checksum digit. More information about checksum calculation algorithm see Polish identity card.
- forms.PLREGONField: A form field that validates input as a Polish National Official Business Register Number (REGON), having either seven or nine digits. The checksum algorithm used for REGONs is documented at
- forms.PLPostalCodeField: A form field that validates input as a Polish postal code. The valid format is XX-XXX, where X is a digit.
- forms.PLNIPField: A form field that validates input as a Polish Tax Number (NIP). Valid formats are XXX-XXX-XX-XX, XXX-XX-XX-XXX or XXXXXXXXXX. The checksum algorithm used for NIPs is documented at
- forms.PLCountySelect: A
widget that uses a list of Polish administrative units as its choices. - forms.PLProvinceSelect: A
widget that uses a list of Polish voivodeships (administrative provinces) as its choices.
See the source code for full details.
Django's "localflavor" packages offer additional functionality for particular countries or cultures.
For example, these might include form fields for your country's postal codes, phone number formats or government ID numbers.
This code used to live in Django proper -- in django.contrib.localflavor -- but was separated into standalone packages in Django 1.5 to keep the framework's core clean.
For a full list of available localflavors, see