Install from Nuget.
dotnet add package Blazor.Core --version <latest-version>
This library provides a base component class to easily inject scope services.
Simply have your component inherit BaseScopeComponent
class and mark your
property with InjectScopeAttribute
attribute. Then during BaseScopeComponent.OnInitialized
the scoped serivces will automatically be injected to these fiel(s).
@inherits BaseScopeComponent
// This will be done automatically
private MyScopeService ScopeService { get; set; } = null!;
// If you do override OnInitialized() always make sure
// to call the base.Onitialized()
// protected override void OnInitialized()
// {
// base.Onitialized();
// }
Another attribute provided in this library is AutoImportJsModule
This attribute is used to automatically import scope module class derived from BaseJsModule
It provides a convinient way to call BaseJsModule.ImportAsync()
implicitly, but it
must be used with InjectScope
@inherits BaseScopeComponent
// Inject and import automatically
[InjectScope, AutoImportJsModule]
private MyScopeModule ScopeModule { get; set; } = null!;
// If AutoImportJsModule is not provided,
// you would have to do it explicitly like below
// protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync()
// {
// await base.OnAfterRenderAsync();
// await _myScopeModule.ImportAsync();
// }
This library provides a base class, BaseJsModule
, that consumers can use to
implement their own JS modules.
More importantly this library provides a TypeScript module that
serializes/deserialize C# callbacks (Func
, Action
, etc.) to JS.
This allows C# code to pass let's say a Func<>
to JS, and JS code
can invoke the C# callback. To use this functionality, call the extension method RegisterCallbackReviverAsync
var builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder.CreateDefault(args);
.AddScoped(sp => new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri(builder.HostEnvironment.BaseAddress) });
var webHost = builder.Build();
await webHost.RegisterCallbackReviverAsync();
await webHost.RunAsync();
Then you can use it like this.
// Action
Action action = () => Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
ActionCallbackInterop actionCallbackInterop = new(action);
// Func
Func<int, Task<int>> func = (number) => Task.FromResult(0);
FuncCallbackInterop<int, Task<int>> funcCallbackInterop = new(func);
// Then pass the callback interop objects to a IJSRuntime's or
// IJSObjectReference's Invoke<Void>Async method. The callback
// interop objects will be correctly serialized to JS callback
IJSRuntime jsRuntime = ...
await jsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("myFunction", action, func);
// Make sure to clean up the callback interop objects when
// they're no longer in use. Note that if you dispose them
// before JS code calls them, an exception will be thrown.
// So make sure to only dispose once you're sure JS code
// has called them.
Your custom module may look like this.
In your math.ts
export function add(a: number, b: number): number {
return a + b;
Define your module like this, MathJsModule.cs
public sealed class MathJsModule : BaseJsModule
/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override string ModulePath { get; }
public MathJsModule(IJSRuntime jSRuntime) : base(jSRuntime)
var customPath = "js/math.js";
ModulePath = $"{ModulePrefixPath}/{customPath}";
public async Task<int> AddAsync(int a, int b)
=> await Module.InvokeAsync<int>("add", a, b);
Then in your application code (most likely in Blazor), add the module class to your DI container, and use the module like this:
@implements IAsyncDisposable
@inject MathJsModule MathModule
<p>Sum is @_sum</p>
private int _sum;
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
await base.OnInitializedAsync();
// You must first load the module otherwise
// using it will cause exception
await MathModule.ImportAsync();
_sum = await MathModule.AddAsync(3, 2);
// Make sure to dispose the module object
public async ValueTask DisposeAsync()
await MathModule.DisposeAsync();
This library also includes a class named StringEnum
. Purpose of this class is to
represent discrete values as string, like enum
but uses string
To define your custom string enum, inherit StringEnum
like the example below.
public sealed class Color : StringEnum
// Make this private so that no one else can create Color object
private Color(string value) : base(value) {}
public readonly static Color Blue = new("blue");
public readonly static Color Green = new("green");
public readonly static Color Red = new("red");
// Usage
Color blue = Color.Blue;
string blueStr = blue; // Implicit cast to string - blueStr is now "blue"
Defining multiple enums with the same value is not allowed. Doing so will cause an exception during runtime.
public sealed class Color : StringEnum
private Color(string value) : base(value) {}
public readonly static Color Blue = new("blue");
public readonly static Color Green = new("blue"); // ❌ Cannot have two "blue" in a string enum
To make it easy to work with JSOn serialization, this library includes this converter
. This converter enables serializing a StringEnum
to a literal string value.
Note this is a converter for System.Text.Json
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
public sealed class Color : StringEnum
private Color(string value) : base(value) {}
public readonly static Color Blue = new("blue");
public readonly static Color Green = new("green");
public readonly static Color Red = new("red");
var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(Color.Red);
// With the converter, json is "\"red\""
// Without the converter, json is "{\"Value\":\"red\"}"