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Filters in other repositories and elsewhere

Benct Philip Jonsson edited this page Feb 10, 2024 · 1 revision

Please add links to your downloadable filters on GitHub and elsewhere below.

Don't forget to name the filter and the author/owner and, more importantly, the license under which the filters are made available, and include a short description of what each filter does and/or keywords. Longer descriptions are better given at the download location!

I have made some suggested categories below with stub tables. Please copy the table header when adding categories, and please try to keep the categories and lists in alphabetical order!

I believe it is better to categorize by what kind of elements/data filters add or modify rather than by which input or output formats they target. You can include formats in the keywords.


Name/Link Description Keywords License Author


Citations and bibliographies

Name/Link Description Keywords License Author


Divs and spans

Name/Link Description Keywords License Author


Formatting and typography

Name/Link Description Keywords License Author



Name/Link Description Keywords License Author



Name/Link Description Keywords License Author



Name/Link Description Keywords License Author


Markup injection, Raw content

Name/Link Description Keywords License Author



Name/Link Description Keywords License Author



Name/Link Description Keywords License Author


References (cross-links, table of contents etc.)

Name/Link Description Keywords License Author
