A SignalR Hub Utility for data scientists to push Vega charts from F# Interactive
- bar
- colorBar
- force
- scatterplot
Run build.bat to download NuGet.exe and build the solution. You can find samples in the samples folder.
#r "..\build\VegaHub.dll"
open System
open VegaHub
open VegaHub.Grammar
open VegaHub.Basics
let disposable = Vega.connect "http://localhost:8081" __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
// Simulate real-time updates
let rand = Random(42)
let rec loop data iter = async {
let data' = List.append data [ (data.Length, rand.Next(0, 100)) ]
// Warning: mutation!
Basics.bar data' ((fun x -> fst x |> string), (fun x -> snd x |> float)) |> Vega.send
do! Async.Sleep 100
if iter = 0 then () else
return! loop data' <| iter - 1
loop [] 25 |> Async.RunSynchronously