Program Pandemic-simulator provides visualization of a simple model of the virus(e.g. COVID-19) spreading during a pandemic. The model can be customized by different parameters such as spread distance, spread chance, mortality, recovering time, population size, and area size, also some parts of the population can be to lock down or separate from other parts. Model is a big simplification of reality and can not be used for any prediction. Anyway, a simplified model can be useful to visualize differences in virus spreading under different circumstances.
Latest realease:
Win64bit installer
Win32bit installer
Source code and all assets
All releases: link
- qmake is used as a build system
- gcc >= 7 or any other compiler that support c++17, has been tested with g++ 8.4.0 on ubuntu and g++ 7.3.0 from MinGw project on Windows
- Qt >= 5.14.0 has been tested with Qt 15.4.1
On Linux:
mkdir build
cd build
qmake ../
On any system can be used Qt Creator Ide to build project with one click.(Please choose toolset >= 5.14)
The program is consuming most of the available CPU to model calculations.
Source code and the program are provided under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3. Full license is available here and here.
Program used QT library under GPLv3 license. Here is link to source code.