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I collected several useful algorithms and tips in this repo for me to use in contests. All of them are implemented in C++. Many of them are adapted from CP Algorithms and various Codeforces posts.

This repository is mainly for personal use. I do not guarantee that all the codes are correct.

Full List of Algorithms


In directory algebra/

  • Fast Fourier transform fft.cpp
  • Fraction as pair of integers frac.cpp
  • Gaussian elimination gaussian_elim.cpp
  • Gaussian elimination with modular number gaussian_elim_mod.cpp
  • Count pairs of integers with gcd gcd_pairs.cpp
  • Matrix with efficient multiplication and exponentiation matrix.cpp
  • Möbius inversion mobius.cpp
  • Modular number with exponentiation and inverse modnum.cpp
  • Number theoretic transform ntt.cpp
  • Euler phi function phi.cpp
  • Testing primality prime_test.cpp
  • Prime factorization prime_factorize.cpp
  • Sieve of Eratosthenes sieve.cpp
  • Sum over subsets sos.cpp
  • Inverse sum over subsets sos_inv.cpp


In directory combo/

  • Combinatorics template combo.cpp
  • Counting number of $x \ge a, y \ge b$ such that $xy \le n$ sqrt_count.cpp


In directory geometry/

  • Basic geometry operations basic.cpp
  • Convex Hull convex_hull.cpp

Graph Theory

In directory graph/

  • 2-SAT 2sat.cpp
  • Bellman-Ford algorithm with negative cycle detection bellman_ford.cpp
  • Breadth-first search bfs.cpp
  • Binary lifting on forests binary_lifting.cpp
  • Bipartite graph testing with BFS bipartite.cpp
  • Bridge finding bridge.cpp
  • Cycle detection with DFS cycle.cpp
  • Depth-first search dfs.cpp
  • Dijkstra's algorithm dijkstra.cpp
  • Euler tour algorithm euler_tour.cpp
  • Floyd-Warshall algorithm for all sources shortest path floyd_warshall.cpp
  • Kahn's algorithm for topological sorting kahn.cpp
  • Kruskal's algorithm for MST construction with union find kruskal.cpp
  • Lowest common ancestor with binary lifting lca.cpp
  • Longest path in a DAG longest_path.cpp
  • Prim's algorithm for MST construction prim.cpp
  • Strongly connected components with DFS scc.cpp
  • Topological sorting with DFS toposort.cpp
  • Union find union_find.cpp


In directory optim/

  • Binary search binary_search.cpp
  • Dinic's algorithm for max flow max_flow.cpp
  • Min cost flow or min cost max flow (supports both problems) min_cost_flow.cpp
  • Simplex algorithm for linear programming simplex.cpp
  • Ternary search ternary_search.cpp


In directory string/

  • Aho-Corasick algorithm for string searching aho_corasick.cpp
  • Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm for string searching kmp.cpp
  • Rabin-Karp finger print rabin_karp.cpp

Data Structures

In directory struct/

  • Using array to store a map of integers array_map.cpp
  • Fenwick tree fenwick.cpp
  • Minimum queue min_queue.cpp
  • Minimum stack min_stack.cpp
  • Ordered set with index ordered_set.cpp
  • Randomized hash function for unordered_map random_hash.cpp
  • Range minimum/maximum query with sparse table rmq.cpp
  • Segment tree with generic query function and assignment query segtree.cpp
  • 2D Segment tree with generic query function and assignment query segtree_2d.cpp
  • Segment tree with range add query and max query segtree_range_add.cpp
  • Segment tree with range assignment query and sum query segtree_range_assign.cpp
  • Splay tree splay.cpp (unfinished)
  • SQRT decomposition sqrt_decomposition.cpp
  • Treap treap.cpp
  • Trie trie.cpp

Generic Algorithm Design Techniques

In directory technique/

  • Sweep Line sweepline.cpp
  • Two pointers two_pointers.cpp

Miscellaneous Important Problems

In directory misc/

  • Greatest element in range (i-k, i] with monotonic stack in linear time greatest_elem_range.cpp
  • Number of inversions with segment tree inversions.cpp
  • Longest increasing subsequence longest_increasing_subseq.cpp
  • Maximum subarray sum max_subarray_sum.cpp
  • Maximum subarray sum with queries max_subarray_sum_query.cpp
  • Finding maximum pairwise xor value in array max_xor.cpp
  • Mergesort for counting the number of inversions mergesort.cpp
  • Next greater element with monotonic stack next_greater_elem.cpp

Some Tips for Competitive Programming

Algorithm Design Ideas

  • Always think of two-pointers first when dealing with range and need a O(n) solution.
  • Similarly, always think of sweepline when you can transform inputs into ranges explicitly and need to consider the intersection of them.
  • You can also use sweepline to merge ranges.
  • Binary search can be used on any monotonic sequences. This includes segment tree with range max/min query.
  • Think of brute force, or if you can reduce the problem to a brute force problem with better input sizes like O(log n) or constant (Example 1 2).
  • Monotonic stack is also useful when you want to merge some elements, or erase elements such that their effect are covered by others.
  • Think about min-cut when you have precedence in max-flow problems. Only keep the objects having negative cost that is required by others and positive cost that requires some others.
  • Binary lifting can be used to solve non-LCA problems too! Whenever you're doing something like x = nxt[x], and there is a topological ordering of the elements, it is a good idea to use binary lifting to improve the running time to O(log n). (Example 1)
  • When you need to find the minimum number of operations to do something, first think of whether you can solve it with constant number of operations. For example, is it possible that we can always solve with 2 operations? Then, we can just determine if it is possible to solve with 0 or 1 operations, which is in general easy. (Example 1 2)
  • When you need to keep track of the number of unique elements, you can store a table for the frequency of the elements, and increase the count when some frequency change from 0 to 1 and decrease when some frequency change from 1 to 0.
  • The lcm of a sequence of number can only increase for log(1e9) times before it goes out of range. This gives better running time for many brute force algorithms related to lcm.

Utilizing Input Range

  • It is important to read the input ranges correctly!
  • When the problem only gives a few inputs, and the range of the input is something like 1e6, it is probably linear. If O(1) or O(log n) solutions exist, they would give 1e9 range.
  • When the numbers are 1e6 or smaller, the solution is probably pseudo-polynomial time and depends on the size of these numbers. Because otherwise they would give numbers of 1e9.
  • Typically when the list is 1e5 and the numbers are 1e9, you cannot do square root time operations like prime factorization. But if they are 1e6, you probably want to consider that.

Writing Clean Code

  • When you're making queries to sum of absolute values minus some number, you can precompute the points that the solution change, and calculate p, the number of positive - number of non-positive, and w, the sum of elements with signs +1 or -1. Then, you can calculate the query x by w - x * p. This is clean and easy to debug.
  • Tree operations are slow in constant. So avoid using ordered set and map in general if you don't really need them. Vector + sort + removing duplicate with a.erase(std::unique(a.begin(), a.end()), a.end()) is much faster than set in practice. Priority queue is also much faster than multiset, although their query complexities are both O(log n).
  • If you want to calculate both the prefix and suffix quickly, you just need one prefix sum array, because it actually allows you to calculate the sum of every interval. When you have fewer arrays, you don't have to modify a lot during debugging. Also, if you only need prefix sum, you can do stuff like a[i] += a[i-1].
  • If you don't need to modify the array, then use prefix sum or sparse table RMQ for range queries, instead of segment trees. The complexity is constant!
  • Use lower_bound or upper_bound when you need to do binary search on an array, instead of implementing one yourself.
  • When you binary search for a fixed precision, you can run for a fixed iteration, which is something at least log(precision). Typically something like 100 works.
  • If you want to enumerate all subsets, use bitmask instead of precomputing stuff.
  • If you need to use the powers of some constant, precompute them. Don't trust C++'s pow function.
  • Do not use unordered_map and unordered_set! They could be hacked. If you really need to fit into tighter time bound, use randomized hash function.


  • Did you use long long? Especially, when you do bitwise shift, use 1LL.
  • When you use long long, did you use LLONG_MAX instead of INT_MAX?
  • Did you confuse max and min?
  • Did you confuse m and n?
  • Were the containers initialized correctly? If there are multiple test cases, did you clear the containers?
  • Were there array out of bound issues?
  • Were the base case (and index) of DP correct?
  • Did you do off by one for the index? Are the choices consistent throughout the program?
  • Did you try test cases that cover all parts of your solution?
  • Did the test case allow negative numbers and did you forget it?
  • Were there potentially precision errors?
  • When you use Python, int and float has different precisions, and float cannot represent large integers well.
  • For pi, a convenient way with high precision is to use acos(0) * 2.
  • Did you confuse = and ==?
  • For max flow, was the capacity constraint on edges or vertices?
  • For max flow, did you constraint the capacity on some vertices?
  • Did you change n and k to long long when it is necessary? Especially when you used something like k * (k - 1) / 2.
  • Did you use 1 to n or 0 to n-1? In the previous case, did you use i <= n instead of i < n?
  • When the size of the array depends on the maximum value, did you consider multiple test cases, where you need to reset the array everytime?


Some algorithms for competitive programming.






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