Just what it needs to become a PLAYER in Astroport
keygen is the tools that convert your keys for different cryppto system
cd keygen
It is used to produce your key in a certain manner, so other nodes can know you followed https://pad.p2p.legal/keygen procedure.
Result is published on /ipns/$IPFSNODEID
jaklis allow communication with duniter blockchain, CesiumPod and GchangePod
cd jaklis
It is used to control "transactions" and "star" relations
CLI for cyphering, signing using libsodium keys
cd natools
It is used to make crypto messaging
Interplanetary file system
cd ipfs
This is our main storage. G1 is used to exchange IPNS and IPFS content
Note taking application
cd tiddlywiki
This an obect database used communicate and transmit commands through derivated keys