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Basic Routing

Frédéric Nieto edited this page Mar 4, 2020 · 2 revisions

Basic Routing

Basic routing happens like the Locations api from Ktor.

Minimal GET Request

1. Register a response DTO

    @Response("A String Response")
    data class StringResponse(val str: String)

2. Register a GET request

inside the apiRouting as described in Setup

    get<Unit, StringResponse> { 
        respond(StringResponse("Hello World"))

GET Request with parameters

1. Register a response DTO

    @Response("A String Response")
    data class StringResponse(val str: String)

2. Register a parameter handler

    @Path("string/{a}") // `@Path` works like the ktor Locations api `@Location`, if it is declared in a route, it will append the path to the one in the context
    data class StringParam(
        @PathParam("A simple String Param", PathParamStyle.matrix) val a: String, // You can provide a parameter style hint
        @QueryParam("Optional String") val optional: String? // Nullable Types are optional 

3. Register a GET request

    get<StringParam, StringResponse> { params ->