Concept Network is weighted directed graph, in which activation values are propagated. Written in Node.js.
File Concept Network is the version with file system persistence.
Install the module with: npm install file-concept-network
var FileConceptNetwork = require('file-concept-network').FileConceptNetwork;
var fcn = new FileConceptNetwork();
var node1 = fcn.addNode("ECTOR");
var node2 = fcn.addNode("knows");
var node3 = fcn.addNode("Achille");
fcn.addLink(,;'cn.json', function (err) {
if (err) {
(Coming soon)
(Coming soon)
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint, and test your code using mocha.
- 2014/08/07: version 0.1.2: treat error cases
- 2013/01/25: version 0.1.1: fix npm module
- 2013/01/19: version 0.1.0
Copyright (c) 2013 François Parmentier Licensed under the MIT license.