A statistical and physical model to optimize chronologies of deep polar ice cores.
This manual is a documentation on how to use the IceChrono software.
It is not a description of the IceChrono principles. Please read to the scientific articles describing IceChrono for that purpose:
Parrenin, F., Bazin, L., Capron, E., Landais, A., Lemieux-Dudon, B. and Masson-Delmotte, V.: IceChrono1: a probabilistic model to compute a common and optimal chronology for several ice cores, Geosci. Model Dev., 8(5), 1473–1492, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-1473-2015, 2015.
It is not an operating system or python documentation. Please use your operating system or python documentation instead.
A mailing list has been set up on Google Groups:
You just need a google account to access this mailing list.
Go here:
and choose the release you want to download (usually the latest one).
In the downloaded folder, you will find the following files:
- README.md : is the current documentation of IceChrono.
- LICENCE : is the IceChrono licence file.
- IceChrono.py : is the main IceChrono program that you will run.
- IceChronoClasses : is a set of instructions used by IceChrono.py
- Clean.py : is a python script to clean all experiment sub-directories
- AICC2012-VLR : is an example experiment directory for the AICC2012 dating experiment: it contains all the necessary numerical settings, prior information and observations for the different ice cores. It has a Very Low Resolution (VLR) and takes about 5 mn to run an a recent computer.
IceChrono is a scientific python software, therefore you need a scipy distribution.
IceChrono is developed and tested using the anaconda distribution, therefore we recommend it.
Anaconda can be downloaded here (use the python2 version):
IceChrono probably works on other scipy distributions, provided they contain the following python modules:
- sys
- os
- time
- math
- numpy
- matplotlib
- multiprocessing
- warnings
- scipy
Assuming you use anaconda, you can go in the spyder shell and type the following commands:
cd path-to-IceChrono
import sys
where path-to-IceChrono
is the directory containing IceChrono and exp_directory
is the name of your experiment directory.
The AICC2012-VLR
experiment directory is provided for you convenience. It is an AICC2012-like experiment, albeit whith a Very Low Resolution. It takes about 5 mn to run on a recent computer.
Alternatively, you can run IceChrono from your operating system shell. For example, on linux, enter the following commands in bash:
cd path-to-IceChrono
python IceChrono.py exp_directory
If the run went correctly, it has created output files.
In the main directory, you have the following output file:
: only contains the program execution time for now.
In each drilling directory, you have the following output files:
: is the main output file. It gives you the posterior estimates and uncertainties of the three input variables (accumulation, LID and thinning) and of the output variables (ice age, air age, Δdepth, etc.). The header in the file tells you which column is which variable.restart.txt
: is a restart file, which can be used to start an optimization experiment from the result of a previous optimization experiment, for a faster convergence.accumulation.pdf
: is the accumulation figure (with prior and posterior estimates)Ddepth.pdf
: is the Δdepth figure (with prior estimates, observations and posterior estimates)air_age.pdf
: is the air age figure (with prior estimates, observations and posterior estimates)airlayerthick.pdf
: is the air layer thickness figure (with prior estimates, observations of dated intervals and posterior estimates)ice_age.pdf
: is the ice age figure (with prior estimates, observations and posterior estimates)icelayerthick.pdf
: is the ice layer thickness figure (with prior estimates, observations of dated intervals and posterior estimates)LID.pdf
: is the Lock-In Depth figure (with prior estimates, observations and posterior estimates)thinning.pdf
: is the thinning figure (with prior and posterior estimates)
In each drilling-pair directory, you have the following output files:
: is the air-air stratigraphic links figure (with prior and posterior estimates)air-ice.pdf
: is the air-ice stratigraphic links figure (with prior and posterior estimates)ice-air.pdf
: is the ice-air stratigraphic links figure (with prior and posterior estimates)ice-ice.pdf
: is the ice-ice stratigraphic links figure (with prior and posterior estimates)
If your run was successful, it has produced output files and figure files. If your experiment directory is placed under the IceChrono main directory, you can run the following command in an os shell:
python Clean.py
or in a python shell:
You can have a look at the provided AICC2012-LR
You need to specify your prior scenarios for accumulation, LID and thinning (for each ice core) and your age observations.
You have five general files:
: contains general parameters for the experimentparameters-AllDrillings.py
: defines drilling parameters that are the same for all drillings (there are overidded by drilling specific parameters).parameters-CovariancePrior-AllDrillings-init.py
: defines the covariance matrices of the backgroundparameters-CovarianceObservations-AllDrillings.py
: defines the covariance of the observations that are the same for all drillings (there are overidded by drilling specific parameters).parameters-CovarianceObservations-AllDrillingPairs.py
: defines the covariance for the observations that are the same for all drilling pairs (there are overidded by drilling pair specific parameters).
Then you have one directory per drilling, which contains:
: all the drilling specific parametersparameters-CovarianceObservations.py
: this file allows to define the correlation of drilling specific observationsdensity-prior.txt
: depth / relative densityaccu-prior.txt
: depth / background accu (in ice-equivalent) / standard deviation (opt, in %)LID-prior.txt
: depth / background Lock-in-Depth / standard deviation (opt, in %)thinning-prior.txt
: depth / background thinning function / standard deviation (opt, in %)ice_age.txt
: depth / age / sigma for ice age observationsair_age.txt
: depth / age / sigma for air age observationsDdepth.txt
: depth / Delta-depth / sigma for Delta-depth observationsice_age_intervals.txt
: depth_top / depth_bottom / duration / sigma for dated ice intervals observationsair_age_intervals.txt
: depth_top / depth_bottom / duration / sigma for dated air intervals observations
Then you have one directory per drilling pair, which contains:
: this file allows to define the correlation of drilling pair specific observationsice_depth.txt
: depth1 / depth2 / sigma on age for ice-ice stratigraphic links observationsair_depth.txt
: depth1 / depth2 / sigma on age for air-air stratigraphic links observationsiceair_depth.txt
: depth1 / depth2 / sigma on age for ice-air stratigraphic links observationsairice_depth.txt
: depth1 / depth2 / sigma on age for air-ice stratigraphic links observations
A few things you need to know to use Icechrono:
- You can use whatever units you want but they need to be consistent. For example, if you use meters for the depths and years for the dated horizons, you need to use meters per years for the accumulation rates.
- The drilling specific parameters override the general parameters for all drillings. In the very same way, the drilling-pair specific parameters override the general parameters for all drilling-pairs.
- The standard deviations defined in the parameters-Covariance*.py override the standard deviation defined in the observation or prior files.
- Most of these files are optional. If there is no file for an certain type of observations, that means that there is no observation of this type. If a covariance matrix is not defined for a prior or an observation type, that means that the correlation matrix is supposed to be equal to identity and that the standard deviation is given in the prior or observation file.
It contains the list of drillings, the optimization method to be used and some settings for the figures.
It is where you define the names of your drillings.
Have a look at the file AICC2012-VLR/parameters.py
, it is commented.
It defines age at the top of the core, the unthinned depth at the top of the core, the age equation grid, the correction functions grids and the type of representation of the prior accu scenario (linear or staircase). You can also define other parameters that are used to defined the covariance matrices of the priors.
Have a look at the files AICC2012-VLR/EDC/parameters.py
, it is commented.
You need to know a little bit of python to do that. Feel free to send an email on the mailing list if you need assistance.
For drilling specific observations, you set up the correlation matrices in the file parameters-CovarianceObservations.py
in the drilling directory.
: for ice dated horizonsself.airmarkers_correlation
: for air dated horizonsself.iceintervals_correlation
: for ice dated intervalsself.airintervals_correlation
: for air dated intervalsself.Ddepth_correlation
: for Delta-depth observations
For drilling pair specific observations (stratigraphic links), you set up the correlation matrices in the file parameters-CovarianceObservations.py
in the drilling pair directory.
: for ice-ice stratigraphic linksself.airairmarkers_correlation
: for air-air stratigraphic linksself.iceairmarkers_correlation
: for ice-air stratigraphic linksself.airicemarkers_correlation
: for air-ice stratigraphic links
Let us take a concrete example and assume we want a correlation matrix for ice dated horizons with ones in the diagonal and with a constant correlation factor k outside the diagonal, you can write:
Don't forget that if you find the use of python and the IceChrono internal variables too difficult, you can define your correlation matrices outside IceChrono and import them here by using for example the np.loadtxt
You need to know a little bit of python to do that and also to know a bit of the IceChrono internal variables.
Have a look at the AICC2012-VLR
experiment, it is the easiest way to understand how it works.
Feel free to send an email to the mailing list if you need assistance.
You need to define:
: the correlation matix for the accu correction functionself.correlation_corr_LID
: the correlation matix for the LID correction functionself.correlation_corr_tau
: the correlation matix for the thinning correction function
Optionnally, if they have not been imported in the accu-prior.txt, LID-prior.txt and thinning-prior.txt files, you can also define:
: the standard deviation of the accu correction functionself.sigmap_corr_LID
: the standard deviation of the LID correction functionself.sigmap_corr_tau
: the standard deviation of the thinning correction function
Let us take a concrete example and assume, as in the AICC2012 example, that the accumulation correlation linearly decreases to zero when the absolute value of the age difference of the accumulation corrections increases to lambda_a yr. We first define a matrix whose term (i,j) is equal to the age difference of the accumulation corrections self.corr_a_age[i]-self.corr_a_age[j]
And then we define the correlation matrix by interpolation a function that linearly decreases from 1 to 0 between 0 and self.lambda_a:
self.correlation_corr_a=np.interp(np.abs(M), np.array([0,self.lambda_a]),np.array([1, 0]))
Don't forget that if you find the use of python and the IceChrono internal variables too difficult, you can define your correlation matrices outside IceChrono and import them here by using for example the np.loadtxt
Please post an email on the mailing list with the error message appearing on the command line.