👋 Greetings! I'm Partha Sarathi Muduli, a frontend engineer at Deloitte Digital with a passion for crafting exceptional web experiences.
💼 Currently excelling in my role at Deloitte Digital, I specialize in frontend development, leveraging technologies like TypeScript, React, Material UI, Jest, and Storybook.
🛠️ Beyond my professional journey, I bring over 2 years of personal experience in frontend engineering. My key skills lie in problem-solving and web development, demonstrated through a tech stack that includes Java, React.js, HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Redux Toolkit, Material UI, MySQL, and Jest.
🎯 I'm eager to be part of a challenging environment that nurtures continuous growth and improvement across all aspects. Contributing my skills and dedication to an organization's advancement is my primary objective.
🌐 Let's connect and explore opportunities to collaborate, allowing me to make a meaningful contribution to the realm of frontend engineering!