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A bundle to create an interface across difference filesystems.


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FileSystemBundle is a file system component supporting different file storage adapters.


Local storage

This adapter was made to be used when you want to interact with your local file system.

Config example:

    partnermarketing_file_system.default_file_system: local_storage
            path: /path/to/test/directory
            url: ''

Amazon S3

This adapter was made to be used when you want to interactive with Amazon S3 file system.

Config example:

    partnermarketing_file_system.default_file_system: amazon_s3
            key:    your-amazon-key
            secret: your-amazon-secret
            bucket: your-bucket-name
            region: eu-west-1
            acl:    public-read # Optional parameter.

How to use


First step is to pass the factory into where you need to use it.

# In your services.yml
        class: Your\Namespace\Path\ServiceName
            fileSystemFactory:  @partnermarketing_file_system.factory

Then in your ServiceName.php file you can use the factory as you need.

namespace Your\Namespace\Path;

use Partnermarketing\FileSystemBundle\Factory\FileSystemFactory;

class ServiceName
    private $fileSystem;
    public function __construct(FileSystemFactory $fileSystemFactory)
        // This will build a fileSystem based on configs specified.
        $this->filesystem = $fileSystemFactory->build();

Read a file content


Write content from a file to other

// Writes the content of the $source into the $path returns the URL.
$url = $this->filesystem->write($path, $source);

Write content into a file

// Writes the $content into the $path returns the URL:
$url = $this->filesystem->writeContent($path, $content);

Delete a file

// Deletes the file $path:
$isDeleted = $this->filesystem->delete($path);

Rename a file

$isRenamed = $this->filesystem->rename($sourcePath, $targetPath);

Get files from directory

// Returns an array of files under given directory.
$filesArray = $this->filesystem->getFiles($directory = '');

Copy files from one directory to another

// Copies all files under given source directory to given target directory.
$filesArray = $this->filesystem->copyFiles($sourceDir, $targetDir);

Check if a file exist

$fileExists = $this->filesystem->exists($varWithFilePath);

Check if path is a directory

$isDirectory = $this->filesystem->isDirectory($varWithFilePath);

Gets the Absolute URL to a file

$absoluteFileUrl = $this->filesystem->getURL($path);

Copy file to temporary directory

// Copy a file to the local temporary directory, and return the full path.
$temporaryFilePath = $this->filesystem->copyToLocalTemporaryFile($path);

How to contribute

You can add more adapters or improve the existing ones.

Create a pull request and please add tests if you fix a bug or added new functionality.

Report founded issues here: