This is a javascript based SubRip to WebVtt convertor.
I share this as MIT license. Everyone is welcomed to share and improve it.
A simple demo is at: . Drag a *.srt file then you will have a *.vtt file downloadable.
This small tool is based on javascript File API. I check it with if(window.File && window.FileList && window.FileReader)
How to use: simply put srt2vtt.js to head place, e.g. <script src="srt2vtt.js"></script>. then call srt2vtt.init with an DIV id which you want to place the srt2vtt convertor in. e.g.:
<div id="srt_to_vtt"></div> <script>srt2vtt.init("srt_to_vtt")</script>
That's it. after you select a SubRip file, you will get the Webvtt file. All in Javascript.
I also made a handy bash script to convert the SubRip file to WebVtt format. It shall be useful if someone have a batch of srt files need to be converted.
Hope this small tool can save your time, Enjoy!