Releases: passportxyz/passport
Releases · passportxyz/passport
What's Changed
- feat(iam): adding new v2 score attestation type by @lucianHymer in #3317
- feat: updating onchainInfo.json and ABIs for resolver and decoder by @nutrina in #3335
Full Changelog: v1.0.84...v0.0.0
What's Changed
- feat: the current implementation of ComposeDatabase still allows conc… by @nutrina in #3186
- feat(embed): added optional credentialIds param to limit the credentials checked by @lucianHymer in #3195
- feat(embed): add passport-embed popup app by @larisa17 in #3203
- chore(platforms): using new coinbase oauth endpoints by @lucianHymer in #3204
- feat(app): added Base by @lucianHymer in #3199
- feat: reordering chains in popup by @nutrina in #3222
- feat: moving utility functions for fetching credentials from iam into… by @nutrina in #3182
- feat(embed): add workflow for embed popup by @larisa17 in #3235
- Workflow test by @larisa17 in #3236
- feat: moving files relevant for embed from iam to identity by @nutrina in #3227
- feat(embed): update node version for workflows by @larisa17 in #3239
- fix: build of popup app by @nutrina in #3240
- fix: add the build of popup to the global build command by @nutrina in #3241
- disable linter by @larisa17 in #3242
- disable linter by @larisa17 in #3243
- update .env file by @larisa17 in #3244
- debug .env file by @larisa17 in #3245
- feat(embed): update stamps flag by @larisa17 in #3246
- feat(app): adding embed campaign page by @lucianHymer in #3223
- fix: overriding service url from env var + adding support for signing… by @nutrina in #3254
- chore(app): adding feature flag for coinbase stamp by @lucianHymer in #3255
- chore(platforms): update holonym links by @lucianHymer in #3260
- feat(workflows): add embed reusable workflows by @larisa17 in #3256
- Embed workflows by @larisa17 in #3264
- Embed workflows by @larisa17 in #3265
- Embed workflows by @larisa17 in #3266
- feat(embed): disable trigger by @larisa17 in #3267
- disable linter for staging by @larisa17 in #3268
- disable linter by @larisa17 in #3269
- disable linter deploy_staging.yml by @larisa17 in #3270
- feat(embed): inherit secrets by @larisa17 in #3271
- Update sync_to_s3_generic.yml by @larisa17 in #3272
- Update envs for platformMap.ts by @larisa17 in #3274
- fix: unittests in identity package by @nutrina in #3251
- feat(app): use ENV var for embed campaign API url by @lucianHymer in #3252
- Hotfix 20250217 by @larisa17 in #3281
- Update release_and_deploy_production.yml by @larisa17 in #3282
- fix(app): delete uint8arrays override in dependency to prevent didSession/build issues by @lucianHymer in #3287
- feat(embed): update dockerfile by @larisa17 in #3291
- fix: remove unnecesary packages by @nutrina in #3289
- feat: basic support for multiple nullifiers, rotating keys by @lucianHymer in #3247
- feat(embed): add debug flag to prevent close popup by @larisa17 in #3299
- feat(embed): remove coinbase stamp by @larisa17 in #3302
- feat: removing unused vars by @nutrina in #3301
- 3188 mishti add support for new vcs in app and database client 1 by @nutrina in #3300
- feat: updating infra to load keys for epoch 1 from secrets by @nutrina in #3304
- feat(embed): fix challenge endpoint, pass providers for verify by @larisa17 in #3305
- feat(embed): update yarn lock by @larisa17 in #3311
- feat(embed): update message to sign by @larisa17 in #3313
- feat: update passport app links by @nutrina in #3310
- 3294 bug embed cant handle unlimited api keys by @nutrina in #3316
- chore(iam,embed): updated references to internal APIs by @lucianHymer in #3306
Full Changelog: v1.0.83...v1.0.84
What's Changed
- feat(onChain): update onchain get passport call by @larisa17 in #3127
- fix: load balancer spec in 5XX alarm for iam by @nutrina in #3137
- chore(platforms): deprecating stamps by @lucianHymer in #3135
- feat(holonymphone): add holonym phone stamp by @larisa17 in #3136
- feat: update providerBitMapInfo by @nutrina in #3143
- feat(holonymphone): modify error handling by @larisa17 in #3145
- feat(workflow): disable check providers by @larisa17 in #3146
- fix: op-sepolia contract address for checkProviders command by @nutrina in #3147
- fix(app): making distinction between technically possible points and points to tell the user about by @lucianHymer in #3148
- feat(platforms): updating eth stamp to use aggregate model by @lucianHymer in #3149
- feat: adding tests to check for behaviour if one of the model fails, … by @nutrina in #3150
- feat(embed, platforms): wet approach to moving logic over by @tim-schultz in #3080
- feat(app): making overscroll match background color by @lucianHymer in #3168
- feat: wrapping the ComposeDatabase add,patch and delete functions to … by @nutrina in #3175
- fix(platforms): catching and reporting errors from the Idena API by @lucianHymer in #3174
- feat(platforms): moving zeronym phone verification to its own platform by @lucianHymer in #3166
Full Changelog: v1.0.82...v1.0.83
What's Changed
- fix(platforms): explicitly request json response from coinbase API by @lucianHymer in #3121
Full Changelog: v1.0.81...v1.0.82
What's Changed
- feat(app): updating web3modal->appkit, updating RPCs by @lucianHymer in #3021
- fix(app): issue with bigint in attestation response by @lucianHymer in #3085
- chore: fix import typo by @lucianHymer in #3086
- feat(iam): checking bans before issuing credentials by @lucianHymer in #3083
- feat(app): adding ENV var for resetting wallet connection by @lucianHymer in #3092
- feat(platforms): adding isDeprecated option to providers, reject verification by @lucianHymer in #3087
Full Changelog: v1.0.80...v1.0.81
What's Changed
- feat(iam): adding auto-verify endpoint by @lucianHymer in #3009
- feat(iam): updated to ethers v6 by @lucianHymer in #3017
- feat(app): delete all notifications button by @tim-schultz in #3018
- feat(linkedin): wip add linkedin v2 by @larisa17 in #3001
- Update platformMap.ts by @larisa17 in #3044
- feat(linkedin): update request call by @larisa17 in #3045
- fix: changing to 1Password ressources that are deleted by @nutrina in #3050
- fix: drop CGRANTS_API_TOKEN in favour SCORER_API_KEY by @nutrina in #3049
- chore(infra): remove awsx package by @tim-schultz in #3029
- chore(platforms): update descriptions for Coinbase and Binance Stamps by @lebraat in #3059
- feat: adding alarm that monitors %xx errors in IAM by @nutrina in #3060
- feat: braking out thei am infra, dropping the service for the gitcoin… by @nutrina in #3071
- fix: docker build by @nutrina in #3078
Full Changelog: v1.0.79...v1.0.80
What's Changed
- feat(app): added tests for usePlatforms by @lucianHymer in #2886
- update resource tags by @larisa17 in #2869
- 2844 sidebar bug by @tim-schultz in #2880
- fix(app): home page alignment by @lucianHymer in #2895
- fix(app): moved platform exclusion logic up the tree by @lucianHymer in #2888
- fix(app): correcting repo link by @lucianHymer in #2906
- fix: audit spelling of Stamp and Passport by @nutrina in #2922
- feat: custom scorer id for on chain attestations by @tim-schultz in #2921
- chore(deployments): update chain by @tim-schultz in #2924
- fix(iam): updating score URL by @lucianHymer in #2925
- fix: shape logo covered body of scorer info widget popup by @nutrina in #2926
- chore(app): update shape scan url by @tim-schultz in #2940
- fix: another set of spelling corrections by @nutrina in #2942
- fix(app): fixing attestation comparison when using custom scorer by @lucianHymer in #2945
- fix(app): fixing onchain data query key by @lucianHymer in #2946
- 2881 audit entire app capitalize all instances of passport and stamp 3 by @nutrina in #2943
- feat(app): adding campaign support, scroll campaign landing page by @lucianHymer in #2919
- 2897 GitHub account integration by @nutrina in #2938
- Update by @Kweiss in #2949
- Update LICENSE by @Jkd-eth in #2917
- feat: adding tests for the Github connect page in the scroll develope… by @nutrina in #2953
- fix: call compose retry once onboarding is complete by @tim-schultz in #2951
- 2897 GitHub account integration 2 by @nutrina in #2955
- 2900 returning user flow by @larisa17 in #2948
- feat(app): adding scroll campaign mint page by @lucianHymer in #2941
- fix: call compose retry a single time after onboard completes by @tim-schultz in #2968
- feat: final images by @tim-schultz in #2973
- 2958 update badge design final by @tim-schultz in #2969
- feat: flag Civic as an EVM stamp by @nutrina in #2971
- feat(app): checking onchain badges to see if hash used before, adding tests by @lucianHymer in #2962
- feat: scroll mobile designs by @tim-schultz in #2975
- feat(app): check if on campaign page when account changes by @lucianHymer in #2979
- chore(platforms): updating Staking and Idena descriptions by @lucianHymer in #2981
- chore(platforms): update copy by @tim-schultz in #2980
- update amplify branch for review by @larisa17 in #2983
- Update by @Kweiss in #2799
- chore(app): log stream id to determine if duplicate requests are bein… by @tim-schultz in #2982
- feat(scroll): update text by @larisa17 in #2994
- chore(platforms): update link by @tim-schultz in #3016
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.0.78...v1.0.79
What's Changed
- feat(app): updating message handler, moving to top on small screen by @lucianHymer in #2839
- 2767 migration by @larisa17 in #2833
- feat: adding details for Shape deployment by @nutrina in #2832
- 2767 passportxyz migration by @larisa17 in #2846
- update alb rule by @larisa17 in #2851
- chore: add missing link by @tim-schultz in #2855
- feat(platforms): updating github stamp to check that contributions happen after repo creation by @lucianHymer in #2842
- feat: hide/show explanation based customization config by @tim-schultz in #2856
- feat(app): adding support for custom stamps by @lucianHymer in #2870
- chore: use infra-lib amplofy function by @tim-schultz in #2862
- feat: fix confetti height by @tim-schultz in #2868
- feat(app): adding card variant for custom stamps by @lucianHymer in #2882
- fix(app): get rid of intercom user id, use address as name by @lucianHymer in #2883
Full Changelog: v1.0.77...v1.0.78
What's Changed
- feat: have adjusted Home screen according to the designs by @nutrina in #2823
- fix(app): updated popover library, prevent rerender on every scroll by @lucianHymer in #2824
- feat(infra): updating pulumi org name by @lucianHymer in #2831
- feat(infra): updating pulumi org name by @lucianHymer in #2834
- feat(app): added details (json) button, fixed lint warnings by @lucianHymer in #2830
Full Changelog: v1.0.76...v1.0.77
What's Changed
- feat: allow datadogRum sample rate to be configured through env vars by @nutrina in #2773
- fix(app): fix mismatch in description by @lucianHymer in #2775
- chore(platforms): changing slotId in civic pass api response from a number to a hex string by @dankelleher in #2792
- feat(app): intercom user login/auth by @lucianHymer in #2800
- feat(platforms): moving brightid logic to separate script by @lucianHymer in #2797
- feat(app): adding low score alert for onchain push by @lucianHymer in #2802
- 2701 rounded by @tim-schultz in #2804
- feat: confetti by @tim-schultz in #2803
- 2730 amplify migration 1 by @nutrina in #2756
- feat(app): adding new score panels and loading animation by @lucianHymer in #2806
- feat: hook to check status of all chains by @tim-schultz in #2805
- feat: remov gitcoin logo by @tim-schultz in #2816
- feat(app): onchain sidebar design updates by @lucianHymer in #2813
- feat(app): pushing full Passport to Linea by @lucianHymer in #2814
- 2733 close mechanism by @tim-schultz in #2817
- feat: updating onchainInfo.json with new decoder address for optimism… by @nutrina in #2819
- feat(app): never show eth balance in account center by @lucianHymer in #2821
- fix(app): modify confetti dimensions on window resize by @lucianHymer in #2822
Full Changelog: v1.0.75...v1.0.76