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View your Android lint issues with style.

Build Status


  • Combines multiple projects into one output. You no longer need to check each and every of your subprojects' lint results for errors.
  • View all your issues nicely formatted in your terminal.
  • Default arguments that do what you probably want them to.



Grab the latest build for your platform from the releases page.

If your platform isn't there, you can build it yourself with stack:

$ git clone
$ cd android-lint-summary
$ stack setup
$ stack install


$ cd my-android-project
$ ./gradle lint
# Search in your current working directory
$ android-lint-summary
# Or search for a different pattern
$ android-lint-summary -g '**/lint-summary*.xml'
# Or point directly to a file
$ android-lint-summary app/build/outputs/lint-summary.xml
# Or read from stdin
$ android-lint-summary - < app/build/outputs/lint-summary.xml

Watch this ASCIICast to see it in action:


Gradle Integration

Check out the LintSummary Sample to see how to integrate this with your gradle build.

If you copy this gradle script to your project, you can enable it with just one line per sub-project.


$ android-lint-summary --help

android-lint-summary - a lint-results.xml pretty printer

Usage: android-lint-summary [FILES] [-g|--glob ARG] [-f|--formatter ARG]
  Format Android Lint XML output nicely

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  -g,--glob ARG            Glob pattern to select result
                           files (default: "**/build/outputs/lint-results.xml")
  -f,--formatter ARG       Specify a formatter to use
                           [simple|null] (default: "simple")
  -v,--verbose             Enable verbose mode
  -V,--version             Show version information


$ stack setup
$ stack build
$ stack test
$ stack exec android-lint-summary


Massive thanks to Sindre Sorhus for making this gorgeous logo.