Sports Manager is a web-based application built using Node.js, Express.js, and Postgres, designed to facilitate sports management and organization. It provides features for admins and players to create sports, schedule and join sports sessions, and generate session reports.
The deployed application is available here
- Admins can create sports: Admin users have the privilege to create different sports by providing a name for each sport.
- Sports list: Signed-in admins can view a list of sports they have created and manage them as needed.
- User registration: Players can sign up by providing their name, email address, and password.
- User authentication: Existing users can sign in using their registered email and password.
- User logout: Players can sign out of their accounts when desired.
- Sport session creation: Signed-in players can create new sports sessions by selecting a sport, assigning players to teams, specifying the number of additional players needed, and providing session details such as date, time, and venue.
- Session management: Players can view and manage the sessions they have created, including the ability to cancel a session and provide a reason for cancellation.
- Joining sessions: Players can browse and join existing sports sessions created by other players.
- Session details: Players can view detailed information about a session before joining, such as sport type, team composition, date, time, and venue.
- Active sessions: Once a player joins a session, their name will be marked against a slot, indicating their participation to others.
- Past sessions: Players cannot join sessions that have already taken place.
- Admin participation: Admin users have the same privileges as regular players and can create and join sports sessions.
- Session reports: Admins have access to reports displaying the number of sessions played within a specified time period and the popularity of different sports during that period.
- Admin Sports List: Displaying the sports created by the admin.
- Player Session Creation: Form for players to create a new sport session, providing session details.
- Player Session Details: Detailed view of a session, including sport type, team composition, date, time, and venue.
- Admin Session Reports: Reports showing the number of sessions played and the popularity of different sports in a specified time period.