Welcome to RSPGROUP on SUMMIT: congratulations - your path is set-up correctly!
The following scripts are available:
- qstat_summit (monitor disk usage, queue status and jobs)
- qsub_summit (submit G16 and Orca jobs)
- ncisub_summit (submit NCIPlot jobs)
- qcosmo_summut (submit COSMO-RS jobs)
- AutoPrep (create input files from existing output files)
- RotMol (rotates molecules, creating new input files)
The following python modules are available (python -m module):
- goodvibes (thermochemical anaylsis) | https://github.com/bobbypaton/GoodVibes
- pyqrc (fast reaction coordinate) | https://github.com/bobbypaton/pyQRC
- pydftd3 (D3-dispersion corrections) | https://github.com/bobbypaton/pyDFTD3
- kinisot (kinetic isotope effects) | https://github.com/bobbypaton/Kinisot
- DBSTEP (steric parameters) | https://github.com/bobbypaton/DBSTEP
- ase (atomic simulation environment)
To activate a python environment where rdkit, openbabel etc are present:
- source activate DL_CPU (this may require edits to your .condarc file - ask RSP if this is an issue)
The following software is available:
- QChem 5.2.2 /projects/rpaton@colostate.edu/qchem
- Gaussian 16 rev C.01 - /projects/rpaton@colostate.edu/g16/g16
- Orca v4.2.1 - /projects/rpaton@colostate.edu/orca_4_2_1_linux_x86-64_openmpi216
- NBO v7 - /projects/rpaton@colostate.edu/nbo6/bin/gaunbo7
- NCIPlot v4 - /projects/rpaton@colostate.edu/nciplot/nciplot
- Turbomole v7.5 - /projects/rpaton@colostate.edu/turbomole/TURBOMOLE
- COSMOtherm2021 - /projects/rpaton@colostate.edu/BIOVIA/COSMOtherm2021/COSMOtherm/BIN-LINUX/cosmotherm
- TeraChem 1.93P - /projects/rpaton@colostate.edu/TeraChem/bin/terachem
- XTB v6.4.0 - /projects/rpaton@colostate.edu/xtb_6.4.0/bin/xtb
- CREST v2.11 - /projects/rpaton@colostate.edu/xtb_6.4.0/crest
- MECPRO - /projects/rpaton@colostate.edu/mecpro
- Jprogdyn - /projects/rpaton@colostate.edu/JPROGDYN
- AMBER18 - /projects/rpaton@colostate.edu/amber18
To see example usage: create a directory in your $PROJECTS folder and cd there, then type:
RUNTEST all This will submit several jobs. When finished, check they ran properly:
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REMINDER: NEW SSKY QUEUE: qsub_summit -p ssky-preemptable