The installer and updater for Dotfiles
See the dot-ansible wiki for documentation and a user guide.
This should install ansible, and python3. Once those are installed, you can move on to "Commands".
Runs the mac playbook that will configure your machine.
See mac.yml
for details on what it does. Comment out any roles or tasks that you don't want to run. For example, if you don't want emacs, comment out the emacs role.
ansible-playbook mac.yml -i inventory/mac.yml
's settings file is an inventory file. It's just a yaml file with key value pairs in it. Name your hostfile off of your machines hostname, that way you can have one for each of your computers.
To get started, create your own hostfile, using mine as your base:
cp inventory/h-m-falcon.yml inventory/$(hostname).yml
Then edit the inventory file before running ansible.
ansible-playbooks main.yml -i ~/code/ansible-playbooks/inventory/$(hostname).yml --ask-become-pass
You can alias that command if you'd like. Here's an example.
# put this in your ~/.zshrc file
alias update="ansible-playbook ~/code/dot-ansible/main.yml -i ~/code/dot-ansible/inventory/$(hostname).yml --ask-become-pass"
More instructions soon to come.