Showcases the application of Eclipse Tycho for creating Eclipse plugins, OSGi bundles, and Eclipse RCP applications.
Clone repository.
First, import maven projects to Eclipse workspace as Maven projects using the Eclipse "Existing Maven projects" dialog.
Execute Eclipse run-configuration named "com.patrickneubauer.examples.tycho BUILD.launch" to build the project.
Execute Eclipse run-configuration named "com.patrickneubauer.examples.tycho RUN.launch" to run Tycho RCP application.
Eclipse Modeling Tools, Version: Oxygen Release (4.7.0), Build id: 20170620-1800
Eclipse Tycho: 0.26.0 and 1.2.0
Maven: 3.3.9 (Eclipse Oxygen embedded) and 3.5.0 (homebrew)
OS: macOS High Sierra (10.13.6)