New Features:
- The Shadow Commando is removed in favor of the Cyborg Commando. Cyborg Commando has a different role, it is a slow but heavy fighter with a rather long ranged laser.
- Scrin infantry now heals on Tiberium.
- Sniper (England) now deals "driver damage". This means he does not kill instantly but if enough damage is done to a driver, the vehicle is empty. This damage auto heals and stacks with other forms of driver damage like radiation. This is a strong nerf on snipers ability to shoot vehicles, especially strong vehicles, vehicles with low HP (like artillery) can still be shot quite good.
Bug fixes:
- Maps with interior tileset crash (bib.int)
- Sam Site palette colors
- ECM Tank prerequisites were wrong
- Prism Tank, Prism Cannon and Disruptor had wrong sprites when damaged
- Stormrider had wrong description indicating it can see invisible units
- Primary building were broken after Dropship became able to produce units directly into it