This code repository is a solution for downloading YouTube livestream chat messages (packets) in real time. The solution consists of a browser-injectable script and a backend server for writing the data on disk.
Windows 10 running guide to download raw live chat packets from youtube as they are coming
- start server with
deno run --allow-net --allow-write server.ts
- inject inject.js to live-running youtube chat popup (note: not sure if you need to change Top Chat to Live Chat to download all message packets) (note: for some reason the only the popup mode uses the global fetch function)
- when done, ctrl+c (SIGINT on windows) the server.ts, which will write data.json
Working mechanism explained
- creates a proxy for window.fetch() that has a special mechanism for get_live_chat requests
- that special mechanism awaits for the response, reads and stores the response body, creates a fake response object, writes the saved response body to that object and returns that fake response object (
) to the original fetch() caller (this fake response object is needed because ReadableStream can only be read once) - send the stored response body to local server that stores it in an array and writes the array on disk when user does CTRL+C on the server