🔭 Current Projects:
- Fullstack Applications: Developing applications for design and design thinking professionals, using modern web technologies.
- AI and Graph Integration: Implementing Machine Learning, Generative AI, NLP, and graph-based data modeling to enhance workflows and decision-making.
- C# + WPF .NET Development: Building desktop applications with WPF and creating plugins for Rhino and Revit.
🌱 Learning:
- OpenGL/WebGL and Three.js: Exploring both low-level and high-level 3D graphics programming to create visual experiences.
📫 How to reach me: message me on LinkedIn!
- IdeaLog Project: A modern fullstack application built with FastAPI, Next.js, Neo4j, and Celery, designed to help users capture, track, and organize research ideas, experiments, and projects.
- Stable Diffusion Inside Revit: Three ways to run Stable Diffusion inference directly in Revit: using a Python backend, integrating with ONNX Runtime via a NuGet package, or building a custom pipeline.