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Operational Technology (OT) Simulator

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OT-sim is a set of modules that run simulated OT devices in VMs or containers. It allows researchers to represent a physical system, at scale, in a co-simulation environment for specific or system-wide testing and evaluation without impacting a real-world system. Over time, our goal is to include additional protocol support and hardware-in-the-loop capability.

The purpose of OT-sim is to support co-simulation of OT-based modules and related infrastructure for a variety of research purposes. To that end, all of the modules run as separate processes and communicate with each other using a common message bus to make up a device. The message bus then resembles the backplane for communication from a variety of modules as seen in real-world environments. However, in OT-sim, it is the communication environment where all modules interact with the simulation environment — management signals, as well as production messages, are passed over the message bus.

The current set of OT-sim modules are categorized as CPU, protocol — Modbus and DNP3 are currently supported — I/O — acting as a HELICS federate, and logic. OT devices can include devices such as PLCs, protection relays, IEDs, RTUs, FEPs, etc. These devices are virtual representations and “walk the walk” when it comes to protocol communication.

The message bus utilizes ZeroMQ's PUB/SUB protocol to allow connected modules to publish messages for other modules to process. ZeroMQ allows the abstraction of the medium in which the message bus sends messages over, supporting IPC and Unix sockets for modules running in the same host and IP for modules running across distributed hosts. OT-sim supports a wide variety of programming languages; it is possible for modules to be written in their developer's language of choice. In addition, since each module runs as its own process, it is possible to have an OT-sim device comprised of modules written in different programming languages.

In most cases, the combination of modules formed to create an OT-sim device will all run together as separate processes on the same host — e.g., within the same VM or container. However, the design of the message bus supports modules running across multiple hosts — e.g., using an IP-based ZeroMQ socket in place of an IPC- or file-based socket.

HELICS is used as the primary co-simulation platform for simulating physical processes that OT-sim devices would monitor and control, so to support this the I/O module acts as a HELICS federate to facilitate the exchange of data with other HELICS federates. As an analogy, the data exchanged between HELICS federates can be compared to the 4-20mA current loop process control signals between sensors, actuators, and controllers in actual processes.

The logic module facilitates the use of custom logic provided at runtime via the device configuration file, therefore avoiding the need for custom compiled modules for different logic scripts. Custom logic is a set of simple mathematical or boolean expressions that is parsed, compiled, and evaluated against variables present in the logic module or values from other modules.

The CPU module is required as part of any OT-sim device and will process the device configuration file and configure and deploy the additional modules accordingly, as well as collocate logs generated by all other modules.



  • Debian-based Linux (recommend Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or greater)
  • golang v1.21 or greater
  • build-essential
  • cmake v3.11 or greater
  • libboost-dev
  • libczmq-dev
  • libxml2-dev
  • libzmq5-dev
  • pkg-config
  • python3-dev
  • python3-pip

Install apt Packages

sudo apt update && sudo apt install \
  build-essential cmake libboost-dev libczmq-dev libxml2-dev libzmq5-dev pkg-config python3-dev python3-pip

Install Golang

wget -O go.tgz \
  && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go.tgz && rm go.tgz \
  && sudo ln -s /usr/local/go/bin/* /usr/local/bin

Install OT-sim

Install the OT-sim C, C++, and Golang modules.

cmake -S . -B build && sudo cmake --build build -j$(nproc) --target install && sudo ldconfig \
  && sudo make -C src/go install

Install the OT-sim Python modules. This step will also install the Python HELICS code, on which some of the OT-sim Python modules depend.

sudo python3 -m pip install src/python

Optional Installations


wget -O hivemind.gz \
  && gunzip hivemind.gz \
  && sudo mv hivemind /usr/local/bin/hivemind \
  && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/hivemind


wget -O overmind.gz \
  && gunzip overmind.gz \
  && sudo mv overmind /usr/local/bin/overmind \
  && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/overmind


apt install -y mbpoll


python3 -m pip install

NOTE: the version of to install may depend on which OS version is being used.

NOTE: the example below uses OpenDSS to run a well-known IEEE 13 Bus power system test case. Some of the test case files are stored in this repo using git LFS, so in order to run the test case git LFS must be installed and git lfs pull must be run from the root of this repo in order to populate the test case files.

Running an Example

If you have a Procfile-compatible tool, such as Overmind or Hivemind, you can use it to run the Procfile in the root directory.

For a complete example, you will need something like mbpoll to interact with the Modbus module that is run as part of the example.

From one terminal or tmux pane, run the following:

overmind start -D -f Procfile.single

In a separate terminal or tmux pane, run the following to read from holding register 30000 to get the kW line flow value.

mbpoll example:

> mbpoll -0 -1 -t 3 -r 30000 -c 1 -p 5502 localhost

-- Polling slave 1...
[30000]:        192

Register 30000 is configured to be scaled by a factor of two, so given the above example the actual value in the experiment is 1.85kW.

You can trip the line feeding the bus by doing a coil write with a value of 0 to address 0. When you read a second time, the holding register 30000 will update to 0.

mbpoll example:

> mbpoll -0 -1 -t 0 -r 0 -p 5502 localhost 0

Written 1 references.

> mbpoll -0 -1 -t 3 -r 30000 -c 1 -p 5502 localhost

-- Polling slave 1...
[30000]:        0

DNP3 Example with Docker

NOTE: The latest version of the Docker image built with the provided Dockerfile is based on Debian Bookworm. Currently, pydnp3 fails to build on Debian Bookworm and it's highly unlikely that will ever be fixed. The following instructions have been left here for legacy reasons. If users wish to run the following DNP3 example, they will need to use a different DNP3 client or modify the Dockerfile. The last OS version known by the authors to work with pydnp3 is Ubuntu 20.04.

First, build the Docker image.

docker build -t ot-sim .

Then start a container running all the modules, including the HELICS I/O module and the DNP3 module, in outstation mode.

docker run -it --rm --name ot-test ot-sim hivemind Procfile.single

You can also run a multi-device configuration, where one device acts as a DNP3 outstation to the Modbus client gateway by using Procfile.multi instead of Procfile.single above. In this configuration, when you send the DNP3 CROB command below, it is translated to a Modbus message and sent along to the second device to modify the HELICS I/O module.

Next, from another terminal or tmux pane exec into the container and execute the test DNP3 master, which will do a Class 0 scan, then send a CROB command to trip a line in the OpenDSS HELICS federate that is also running, then do another Class 0 scan.

docker exec -it ot-test sh -c "cd testing/dnp3 && python3"


Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Patria Security, LLC


This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3. See COPYING for more information.