This repository has been moved to
Old readme:
A Node package for generating seamless tiles that resemble circuit boards. You can play with the settings on my web site or just clone this.
I'll be using this in a game I'm developing.
A basic example:
Canvas = require 'canvas'
{draw} = require 'circuit-boards'
fs = require 'fs'
canvas = new Canvas
opts =
size: 128
stopDraw = draw canvas, opts, ->
out = fs.createWriteStream __dirname + '/text.png'
stream = canvas.pngStream()
stream.on 'data', (chunk) -> out.write chunk
stream.on 'end', -> console.log 'saved'
# Stop early. The draw callback isn't called.
#setTimeout (-> stopDraw ->), 1000
Generate an image for all the styles:
coffee examples/