See my fork of spree-demo to see this extension properly configured and in use. It's at
The 3ds code has been extended from
file lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/protx.rb is the edge version of protx.rb, from the last relevant commit at
the above version is NOT in version 1.4.2 (it was added afterwards) - so you either need to use the edge version of active merchant, or arrange for (ie interpose) the local copy to take precedence some way
WARNING: resubmitting an order after the 1st step of auth causes rejection because protx requires a unique VTX.I've got a crude hack to add a 4-digit time value to the end of an order number, but we should do better here.
NOTE: callback_3dsecure is exempt from protect_from_forgery - something is going wrong with the auth_token for this stage of the process (this should be investigated)
If you use my initializer code below, then you need to put your vendor name in the file +which_vendor+. This is the name that identifies your protx main account (not the sub-account).
This mechanism is only done to hide the names of my test accounts, so you can to replace that File read with a string in your own sites etc
I used the following code in an initializer...
# put in test mode
Spree::Gateway::Config.set(:use_bogus => false)
ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.gateway_mode = :test
# ActiveMerchant::Billing::Protx3dsGateway.simulate = true
# force this on, to avoid having to fix url protocols etc
Spree::Config.set(:allow_ssl_in_development_and_test => true)
# setup protx / sagepay
gw = Gateway.find_by_name("Protx3ds")
if gw.nil?
puts "WARNING: protx gateway configuration lost."
puts " *** setting the unique gateway to Protx3ds *** "
gc = GatewayConfiguration.create :gateway => gw
go = GatewayOption.find_by_gateway_id_and_name(, "login")
gp = GatewayOptionValue.create :gateway_configuration => gc,
:gateway_option => go,
:value =>"which_vendor").chomp
- Check handling of new Maestro type - AM doesn't handle it yet (and the regexps aren't up to date)