A Gradle plugin which watches files/directories for changes and takes actions when changes occur.
Add the following to your build.gradle in order to use the plugin:
apply plugin: 'gradleWatcherPlugin'
Then configure the list of files/directories you wish the plugin to monitor and what you want to happen when something changes
watch {
watchJobs {
// Declare each watch job with a unique name e.g 'less' for watching less files (can be any name you want)
less {
// Specify which files/directories should be monitored using the gradle filetree method
files = fileTree(dir: "${project.rootDir}/public/stylesheets", include: '*.less')
// specify the shell command to execute if any changes are detected in your files
taskToRun = "lessc --verbose --source-map-url=style.map --source-map=${project.rootDir}/public/stylesheets/style.map ${project.rootDir}/public/stylesheets/style.less ${project.rootDir}/public/stylesheets/style.css"
js {
files = fileTree(dir: "${project.rootDir}/public/js", include: '**/*.js')
taskToRun = ...
someOtherJob {
files = fileTree(...),
taskToRun = ...
The plugin adds a single task called watchFiles
which when run will use the watch
configuration above to decide which files/directories to watch and what to do when they change.