Jenkins docker image for usage with Jenkins Pipeline Linter Plugin for Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ IDEs. It can also be used via command line
This image has no setup required, ready to use as soon as it is run, plugins are pre-installed, all security and first type setup wizzard disabled, ready to take queries from the extension or the command line.
Pull the image from Dockerhub using:
docker pull paulohgodinho/jenkins-for-pipeline-linting
Run the container with the 8080 port exposed to the host system
docker run -p 8080:8080 paulohgodinho/jenkins-for-pipeline-linting
Install the Jenkins Pipeline Linter Connector plugin for Visual Studio Code
Go to the extension settings
Input the running Jenkins container URL with port, and the path /pipeline-model-converter/validate
at the end.
Run the linter by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+P and searching for Validate Jenkinsfile
You can use Bash and Powershell to manually verify your Pipeline
curl -F "jenkinsfile=< mypipeline.jenkinsfile" http://localhost:8080/ipeline-model-converter/validate
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Form @{jenkinsfile=$(Get-Content .\mypipeline.jenkinsfile -raw)} -Uri http://localhost:8080/pipeline-model-converter/validate
You can add your plugin id to plugins.txt and build your own image. If you belive the plugin should be in this distributed image please make a PR or message me, I am happy to add more.