IOC for controlling a single Shimadzu CBM20 pump. The library assumes that only 1 pump exists at the connection hostname. On startup IOC will try connecting to pump every 30s and then poll pump every 1s (with default settings). If connection to pump is lost IOC will automatically try to reconnect every 30s.
The web interface only works with Internet Explorer (not Edge). If you are using a version newer than IE7 you will need to add the IP address/hostname of the Shimadzu to the "Compatibility View Settings" list by using the settings gear on the upper right corner. Default IP address (w/o DHCP) is
- [IOC_PREFIX] PUMPING (Read back value of the pump status)
- [IOC_PREFIX] PUMPING_SP (Set point for starting (write 1) or stopping (write 0) the pump)
- [IOC_PREFIX] FLOW (Read back value of the pump flow)
- [IOC_PREFIX] FLOW_SP (Set point for the pump flow)
- [IOC_PREFIX] CLEAR_ERROR (Used to clear error - write '0' to do so)
- [IOC_PREFIX] PRESSURE (Read back value of the pump pressure)
- [IOC_PREFIX] PRESSURE_MIN (Read back value of the pump min pressure setting)
- [IOC_PREFIX] PRESSURE_MIN_SP (Set point for the pump min pressure setting)
- [IOC_PREFIX] PRESSURE_MAX (Read back value of the pump max pressure setting)
- [IOC_PREFIX] PRESSURE_MAX_SP (Set point for the pump max pressure setting)
- [IOC_PREFIX] PRESSURE_UNIT (Read back value of the remote ops pressure unit)
- [IOC_PREFIX] PRESSURE_UNIT_SET (Set remote ops pressure unit)
- [IOC_PREFIX] VALVE_STATE (Requested valve state - will set relay output accordingly)
- [IOC_PREFIX] EVENT (Read back value of the pump relay outputs setting)
- [IOC_PREFIX] EVENT_SET (Requested relay outputs - see note/table below)
Note for 'event' and thus VALVE_STATE to control the relay outputs, they need to be set to 'event' mode. Also these are only for the outputs on the remote module!
Both off: 0
1 on, 2 off: 1
2 on, one off: 2
Both 1 and 2 on: 12
# Install the library
conda install -c paulscherrerinstitute shimadzu_pump
# Run the IOC
shimadzu_pump_ioc IOC-PREFIX: PUMP_HOSTNAME
If you use conda, you can create an environment with the shimadzu_pump library by running:
conda create -c paulscherrerinstitute --name <env_name> shimadzu_pump
After that you can just source you newly created environment and start using the library.
You can build the library by running the setup script in the root folder of the project:
python install
or by using the conda also from the root folder of the project:
conda build conda-recipe
conda install --use-local shimadzu_pump
The library relies on the following packages:
- requests
- pcaspy
In case you are using conda to install the packages, you might need to add the paulscherrerinstitute channel to your conda config:
conda config --add channels paulscherrerinstitute
Executable help:
usage: shimadzu_pump_ioc [-h] [--polling_interval POLLING_INTERVAL]
ioc_prefix pump_host
Shimadzu HPLC IOC version (version)
positional arguments:
ioc_prefix Prefix of the IOC, include separator.
pump_host Pump host.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--polling_interval POLLING_INTERVAL
Pump polling interval, default 1s.
Log level to use, default WARNING.
To run the IOC, first install the conda package, and then execute:
# Run the IOC with the specified prefix.
shimadzu_pump_ioc IOC_PREFIX: PUMP_HOSTNAME
If you are not installing the conda package, you need to set this repo into your Python path. From the root of this repo run:
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:$(pwd)"
python shimadzu_pump/ IOC_PREFIX: PUMP_HOSTNAME
WARNING: You need to make sure that all the requirements mentioned in the Requirements section are installed.
If you do not have the pump, but would like to run the ioc for creating screens (for example) you need to run the following commands in the root folder of this repo:
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:$(pwd)"
python tests/ PUMP_TEST: --log_level=DEBUG
This will create an IOC with a simulated pump that is functionally equal to the production one.
Note CBM setting needs to be set to "internal" if CBM is installed inside Shimadzu pump. This is reached through the System settings.