Author: Paul Shao Contributors: Catherine Hu, Tony Tu
- Switched Database from SQLite3 to PostgreSQL 11 => Deployed on Heroku
- Updated and Connected Autograder to Backend Database per User
- Fully Replaced and Updated Code Base for the Backend Autograder
- Provided Additional Classes for Message/Exception Handling & Reporting and Util Methods
- Updated Week 3 and Week 2 Tests Based on New Code Base
- Added Multiple Script File Uploading/Processing Functionality
- Autograder will detect for missing required files for a given week
- Autograder will now provide helpful logging/debugging statements for each individual test case
- Integrated Autograder for Remote Script Running and Scoring (Now Support Multiple Files)
- Adding new course ssstaff information on the staff page as well as inserting the right contents under corresponding links
- UI Design
- Website Structure (Backend Database, MVC)
- User Authentication (Google OAuth)
- Single Script Upload and Remote Autograding with Bash and Ruby
- Multiple Script Files Uploading/Processing/Autograding
- Backend Database Connection (Read, Insert, Update)
- Scalable Database Support (PostgreSQL 11)