I'm a passionate upcoming Software Developer specializing in Blockchain, and Software Development. Currently, I'm pursuing an Integrated M.Sc. in Theoretical Computer Science at PSG College of Technology. I love building projects.
- Languages: Python, JavaScript, C++, Solidity, Java
- Web Dev: Flask, Node.js, React.js
- Blockchain: Ethereum
- Cloud: Google Cloud Platform
- Tools: Git, Postman, Oracle SQL, MySQL
- Transcribe Digital: Audio transcription site using Flask, React, and Whisper API
- Real-time Coding Collaboration Platform: Built with WebRTC, WebSockets, PeerJS
- Decentralized Art Marketplace: Solidity & React-based NFT platform
- Cryptocurrency Wallet: Securely send, receive, and store crypto with real-time updates
- Email: 22pt22@psgtech.ac.in
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/pavankumar2004
- GitHub: pavankumar2004
- Instagram: @pavan_s_g