Setup of HolidayCheck AG "dust project" cluster based on docker images.
This setup was made as a PoC to see if rollout of mesos+marathon+docker infrastructure is possible via dockers only.
Also it can serve as a temporary mesos cluster for experimental and development purposes.
This setup has:
- 1 instance of zookeeper ver 3.4.6
- 1 instance of mesos-master ver
- 1 instance of mesos-slave ver
- 1 instance of marathon ver 1.3.0-RC6
- 1 instance of chronos ver 2.4.0
- 1 instance of bamboo ver 0.2.21 with haproxy ver 1.5.8
To run this cluster you need to have Linux, docker 1.10.0 and docker-compose 1.7.0 installed (Mac users running boot2docker please adjust address setting in docker-compose.yml from localhost to proper IP). Checkout this repository and run docker-compose up -d inside.
Sometimes due to random order of pulling docker images bamboo enters locked state while not able to find zookeeper. If experienced try to run docker-compose restart
To deploy example container (Ghost blogging platform) enter following command:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/v2/apps -d@ghost.json
Afterwards navigate to http://localhost:8000 and set desired mapping ACL for haproxy (for example "path_beg -i /").
If you now navigate to http://localhost you should be able to see the app.
This setup uses net:host docker parameter. It means, docker configures a bridge between container network interface and network interdace of your host. Therefore ensure these ports are available:
- 2181, 2888, 3888 (zookeeper)
- 5050, 5051 (mesos master and slave)
- 8080 (marathon)
- 4400 (chronos)
- 80, 8000 (haproxy, bamboo)
- Marathon: http://localhost:8080
- Chronos: http://localhost:4400
- Mesos: http://localhost:5050
- Bamboo: http://localhost:8000
- Haproxy: http://admin:admin@localhost/haproxy_stats
Write a HOWTO for clustering this configuration.
Used repositiories and docker images: