A set of tools to help set up a proper environment for testing magento
Installation is very easy though composer.json
In your application or dependent library root directory, create a composer.json file. In case you are not familiar with Composer, see composer.json Schema.
In the require or alternatively in the require-dev section, add the following dependency:
"ecomdev/mage-ci: "dev-master"
$ bin/mage-ci install <magento_directory> <version> <db_name> <OPTIONS>
Installs a Magento version to a specified destination
-c Create databases flag
-t Create test database flag (only in combination with -c option)
-u <db_user> DB Username
-p <db_pass> DB Password
-r <sql_base_url> SQL dumps repository url for a particular Magento version (<sql_base_url>/<version>.sql.gz)
-f <sql_dump_file> SQL dump file, if you'd like to preinstall some data and specfied -c option
$ bin/mage-ci install-module <magento_directory> <module_dir_or_vcs_url>
Installs a Magento module with modman definition
$ bin/mage-ci update-modules <magento_directory>
Updates all installed modman modules at specified Magento instnace
$ bin/mage-ci uninstall <magento_directory> [<db_name>] <OPTIONS>
Performs uninstall of Magento instance
-u <db_user> DB Username
-p <db_pass> DB Password
$ bin/mage-ci uninstall-module <magento_directory> <module_dir_or_vcs_url>
Performs uninstall of Magento module from instance