Amazon Payment Service Sdk Flutter package
Add below lines to your package’s pubspec.yaml file:
dependencies: flutter_amazonpaymentservices: 0.0.7
No additional steps required
The SDK build for >= iOS 10.0, so you need to set the platform version in the Podfile to iOS 10 or above.
platform: :ios, '10.0'
var requestParam = {
"amount": 100,
"command": "AUTHORIZATION",
"currency": "USD",
"customer_email": "",
"language": "en",
"merchant_reference": "your merchant reference",
"sdk_token": "sdk token generated per transaction"
try {
result = await FlutterAmazonpaymentservices.normalPay( requestParam, EnvironmentType.production, isShowResponsePage: true);
} on PlatformException catch (e)
print("Error ${e.message} details:${e.details}"); return;
print("Success ${ result}");
Future<void> validateApi() async {
var requestParam = {
"amount": 100,
"command": "AUTHORIZATION",
"currency": "USD",
"customer_email": "",
"language": "en",
"merchant_reference": "your merchant reference",
"sdk_token": "sdk token generated per transaction"
try {
result = await FlutterAmazonpaymentservices.validateApi(
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
print("Error ${e.message} details:${e.details}"); return;
print("Success ${result}");
Attribute | Type | Description | Mandatory | Maximum | Example |
command | Alpha | Command. Possible/ expected values: AUTHORIZATION, PURCHASE |
Yes | 20 | PURCHASE |
merchant_reference | Alphanumeric | The Merchant’s unique order number. | Yes | 40 | XYZ9239-yu898 |
amount | Numeric | The transaction’s amount. *Each currency has predefined allowed decimal points that should be taken into consideration when sending the amount | Yes | 10 | 10000 |
currency | Alpha | The currency of the transaction’s amount in ISO code 3. | Yes | 3 | AED |
language | Alpha | The checkout page and messages language. Possible/ expected values: en/ ar |
Yes | 2 | en |
customer_email | Alphanumeric | The customer’s email. Special characters: _ - . @ + |
Yes | 254 | |
sdk_token | Alphanumeric | An SDK Token to enable using the Amazon Payment Services Mobile SDK. | Yes | 100 | Dwp78q3 |
token_name | Alphanumeric | The Token received from the Tokenization process. Special characters: . @ - _ |
No | 100 | Op9Vmp |
payment_option | Alpha | Payment option. Possible/ expected values: - MASTERCARD - VISA - AMEX - MADA (for Purchase operations and eci Ecommerce only) Click here to download MADA Branding Document - MEEZA (for Purchase operations and ECOMMERCE eci only) |
No | 10 | VISA |
eci | Alpha | Ecommerce indicator. Possible/ expected values: ECOMMERCE |
No | 150 | ECOMMERCE |
order_description | Alphanumeric | A description of the order. Special characters:'/ . _ - # : $ Space |
No | 150 | iPhone 6-S |
customer_ip | Alphanumeric | It holds the customer’s IP address. *It’s Mandatory, if the fraud service is active. *We support IPv4 and IPv6 as shown in the example below. | No | 45 | IPv4 → IPv6 → 2001:0db8:3042:0002:5a55:caff:fef6:bdbf |
customer_name | Alpha | The customer’s name. Special characters: _ \ / - .' |
No | 40 | John Smith |
phone_number | Alphanumeric | The customer’s phone number. Special characters: + - ( ) Space |
No | 19 | 00962797219966 |
settlement_reference | Alphanumeric | The Merchant submits unique value to Amazon Payment Services. The value is then passed to the Acquiring bank and displayed to the merchant in the Acquirer settlement file. | No | 34 | XYZ9239-yu898 |
merchant_extra1 | Alphanumeric | Extra data sent by merchant. Will be received and sent back as received. Will not be displayed in any report. | No | 250 | JohnSmith |
merchant_extra2 | Alphanumeric | Extra data sent by merchant. Will be received and sent back as received. Will not be displayed in any report. | No | 250 | JohnSmith |
merchant_extra3 | Alphanumeric | Extra data sent by merchant. Will be received and sent back as received. Will not be displayed in any report. | No | 250 | JohnSmith |
merchant_extra4 | Alphanumeric | Extra data sent by merchant. Will be received and sent back as received. Will not be displayed in any report. | No | 250 | JohnSmith |
merchant_extra5 | Alphanumeric | Extra data sent by merchant. Will be received and sent back as received. Will not be displayed in any report. | No | 250 | JohnSmith |