The FORT Mobile SDK allows Merchants to securely integrate the payment functions. It also allows Merchants to easily accept In-App payments. Instead of the traditional, time-consuming, and complex way of being redirected to the mobile browser to complete the payment, In-App payments can be completed through our FORT Mobile SDK. In turn, this gives the Merchant’s consumers a smooth, pleasing user-experience by using In-App payment functions through the native applications.
In order to start using FORT iOS SDK you need to have an account on the FORT , please click here to follow the installation instructions using the link below
Before you start the integration
Read through the following steps first to understand how the integration process works. This will help you to understand why these steps are required and why you need to follow a specific sequence.Step 1: Access your test account
You need to make sure that you have access to a test account with Amazon Payment Services. It is a full test environment that allows you to fully simulate transactions.
Step 2: Choose between a standardized or custom payment UI
The Amazon Payment Services iOS SDK provides you with a standard payment UI that you can use to quickly integrate in-app payments. The standard UI offers limited customizability.
Alternatively, you can choose to build your own payment UI using Amazon Payment Services iOS SDK building blocks, we describe this in the section on custom-coding a payment processing UI.
Step 3: Make sure that you are using the correct integration type
Prior to building the integration, you need to make sure that you are selecting and using the proper parameters in the API calls as per the required integration type. All the mandatory parameters are mentioned under every section in the API document
Step 4: Install the Amazon Payment Services iOS SDK in your development environment
You need to download our iOS SDK from the link provided. Next you need to include the iOS SDK in your Xcode project by following the steps in the next section. You are also required to install the library and to integrate the iOS SDK into your app.
Step 5: Create a test transaction request
You need to create a test transaction request. Processing a valid API request depends on the transaction parameters included, you need to check the documentation and review every parameter to reduce the errors in processing the transaction.
Step 6: Process a transaction response
After every payment, Amazon Payment Services returns the transaction response on the URL configured in your account under Technical Settings, Channel Configuration.
For more details review the transaction feedback instructions in this section. You need to validate the response parameters returned on this URL by calculating the signature for the response parameters using the SHA response phrase configured in your account under security settings.
Step 7: Test and Go Live
You can use our test card numbers to test your integration and simulate your test cases. The Amazon Payment Services team may need to test your integration before going live to assure your application integration.
Obtain the Amazon Payment Services iOS Mobile SDK by downloading it from the Amazon Payment Services website.
Extract the folder you downloaded in the previous step.
Drag PayFortSDK.xcframework into the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section of your target.
A mobile SDK authentication token is required to authenticate every request sent to the SDK. The token is also significant to process payment operations with Amazon Payment Services through our iOS mobile SDK.
To get started with our iOS mobile SDK you must first establish the ability to generate a mobile SDK token.
[NOTE]: The creation and initiation of a mobile SDK token happens on your server -- your server must generate the token by sending a request to the Amazon Payment Services API.
[NOTE:] A unique authentication token must be created for each transaction. Each authentication token has a life-time of only one hour if no new request from the same device is sent.
These are the URLs you need to use when you request a mobile SDK token for your iOS app:
Test Environment URL
Production Environment URL
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d
For more information about SDk token refer here
As a merchant you have two ways in which you can process payments using the Amazon Payment Services iOS mobile SDK.
Standard payment screen. You can use the standard Amazon Payment Services iOS SDK interface to display a standard payment screen.
This standard payment view is customizable in three ways. You can hide the loading screen, and you can change the presentation style from full screen to OS default. You can also customize some of the UI elements. We address customizing the standard payment screen in this section.
Custom integration. You can choose to build your own payment processing screen by coding your own payment processing screen. With this mobile SDK feature, we allow merchants to integrate a native app checkout experience without displaying our standard payment screen -- while still using SDK features for rapid go-live.
These are the steps you need to follow to perform a checkout using our standard UI. See the next section for building your own customized payment UI. For detiled implementaion on the standard checkout implementation refer here
Import the framework into your app
Start by importing the Amazon Payment Service iOS SDK library. You do so by using the following code:Objective-C
#import < PayFortSDK/PayFortSDK-Swift.h>
import PayFortSDK
Initialize the controllers
Initialize **PayFortController** within the targeted environment. You set the target environment by setting one of the two ENUM, either **PayFortEnviromentSandBox** or **PayFortEnviromentProduction**Objective-C
PayFortController *payFort = [[PayFortController alloc]initWithEnviroment: PayFortEnviromentSandBox];
let payFort = PayFortController.init(enviroment: .sandBox)
Preparing Request Parameter
Set a dictionary that contains all keys and values for the SDKObjective-C
NSMutableDictionary *request = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
[request setValue:@"10000" forKey:@"amount"];
[request setValue:@"AUTHORIZATION" forKey:@"command"];
[request setValue:@"USD" forKey:@"currency"];
[request setValue:@ "" forKey:@"customer_email"]
[request setValue:@"en" forKey:@"language"];
[request setValue:@"112233682686" forKey:@"merchant_reference"]
[request setValue:@"SDK TOKEN GOES HERE" forKey:@"sdk_token"];
[request setValue:@"" forKey:@"payment_option"];
[request setValue:@"gr66zzwW9" forKey:@"token_name"];
let request = ["amount" : "1000",
"command" : "AUTHORIZATION",
"currency" : "AED",
"customer_email" : "",
"installments" : "",
"language" : "en",
"sdk_token" : "token"]
Response callback function
Amazon Payment Services allows you retrieve and receive the response parameters after processing a transaction once the transaction is completed. It only happens during the installation process. This is the code you need to use: **Objective-C**
[payFort callPayFortWithRequest:request currentViewController:self
success:^(NSDictionary *requestDic, NSDictionary *responeDic) { NSLog(@"Success");
canceled:^(NSDictionary *requestDic, NSDictionary *responeDic) { NSLog(@"Canceled");
faild:^(NSDictionary *requestDic, NSDictionary *responeDic, NSString *message) {
payFort.callPayFort(withRequest: request, currentViewController: self, success: { (requestDic, responeDic) in print("success")
canceled: { (requestDic, responeDic) in
}, faild: { (requestDic, responeDic, message) in print("faild")
The following sample code shows you how to process a payment using the standard view. The code sample illustrates how you send a request operation in the mobile SDK.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
payfort = [[PayFortController alloc] initWithEnviroment:PayFortEnviromentSandBox];
NSMutableDictionary *requestDictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
[requestDictionary setValue:@"10000" forKey:@"amount"];
[requestDictionary setValue:@"AUTHORIZATION" forKey:@"command"];
[requestDictionary setValue:@"USD" forKey:@"currency"];
[requestDictionary setValue:@"" forKey:@"customer_email"];
[requestDictionary setValue:@"en" forKey:@"language"];
[requestDictionary setValue:@"112233682686" forKey:@"merchant_reference"];
[requestDictionary setValue:@"" forKey:@"payment_option"];
[requestDictionary setValue:@"gr66zzwW9" forKey:@"token_name"];
[payFort callPayFortWithRequest:requestDictionary currentViewController:self success:^(NSDictionary *requestDic, NSDictionary *responeDic) {
} canceled:^(NSDictionary *requestDic, NSDictionary *responeDic) {
} faild:^(NSDictionary *requestDic, NSDictionary *responeDic, NSString *message) {
let request = ["amount" : "1000",
"command" : "AUTHORIZATION",
"currency" : "AED",
"customer_email" : "",
"installments" : "",
"language" : "en",
"sdk_token" : "token"]
payFort.callPayFort(withRequest: request, currentViewController: self,
success: { (requestDic, responeDic) in
canceled: { (requestDic, responeDic) in
faild: { (requestDic, responeDic, message) in
When you use the standard payment UI you can customize the payment UI presented by our iOS SDK in a number of ways to better reflect your business. We outline your options below.
You can customize the standard payment user interface in your iOS app.
Standard vs. Customized Mobile SDK Payment Page
Follow these steps to configure a customized payment UI:
Create your nibFile .xib and set the name of Arabic xib same name with English one with suffix -ar.
Link the xib with PayFortView and bind all the IBOutlets in interface section IBOutlet UILabel *titleLbl;
IBOutlet UIButton *BackBtn;
IBOutlet UILabel *PriceLbl;
IBOutlet JVFloatLabeledTextField *CardNameTxt;
IBOutlet JVFloatLabeledTextField *CardNumberTxt;
IBOutlet JVFloatLabeledTextField *CVCNumberTxt;
IBOutlet JVFloatLabeledTextField *ExpDateTxt;
IBOutlet UILabel *cardNumberErrorlbl;
IBOutlet UILabel *cVCNumberErrorlbl;
IBOutlet UILabel *expDateErrorlbl;
IBOutlet UISwitch *savedCardSwitch;
IBOutlet UIButton *paymentBtn;
IBOutlet UILabel *saveCardLbl;
IBOutlet UIImageView *imageCard;
- Assign new created xib file to Amazon Payment Services controller.
[payFort setPayFortCustomViewNib:@\"PayFortView2\"\];
[NOTE]. If you call Arabic view and the Arabic view not existed
the application will crash.
Don't forget to set the custom view field in the identity inspector
In this section we outline the key information you need to create your own payment processing screen using the tools in the iOS SDK.
You need to generate an SDK token before you can start processing payments using your custom payment processing UI. Refer to the SDK token section earlier in this document for instructions on creating an SDK token.
You create your custom payment screen by using the following five components included in the Amazon Payment Services iOS SDK:
Components Views
Item property, all these properties are available for each component.
let property = Property()
Property *property = [[Property alloc] init]
The CardNumberView inheritance from UIView, CardNumberView is used to validate the card number, card brand and card number length.
@IBOutlet private weak var cardNumberView: CardNumberView! = property
@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet CardNumberView *cardNumberView; = property
The **ExpiryDateView** inheritance from UIView, **ExpiryDateView** is used to check the expiry date for the credit card.Swift
@IBOutlet private weak var expiryDateView: ExpiryDateView! = property
@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet ExpiryDateView *expiryDateView; = property
The **CVCNumberView** inheritance from UIView, **CVCNumberView** used to check if cvc matches cardBrad.Swift
@IBOutlet private weak var cvcNumberView: CVCNumberView! = property
@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet CVCNumberView *cvcNumberView; = property
The **HolderNameView** inheritance from UIView, **HolderNameView** is used to fill the card holder name.Swift
@IBOutlet private weak var holderNameView: HolderNameView! = property
@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet holderNameView *holderNameView; = property
It will show any error message for owner card view, you can set your custom UILabel, Example:Swift
@IBOutlet private weak var cardNumberErrorLabel: ErrorLabel!
cardNumberView.errorLabel = cardNumberErrorLabel
@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet ErrorLabel *cardNumberErrorLabel;
cardNumberView.errorLabel = cardNumberErrorLabel
Example of components views in Objective-C and Swift
This is one example of how to customize the component:
let property = Property()
property.textColor = .yellow
property.backgroundColor = .green
property.errorTextColor = .green
property.titleTextColor = .red = property
Property * property = [[Property alloc] init];
property.textColor = UIColor.yellowColor;
property.backgroundColor = UIColor.greenColor;
property.errorTextColor = UIColor.greenColor;
property.titleTextColor = UIColor.redColor; = property;
Used to collect the card data from card components above and to submit successful payment. With a few simple steps it also has the capability to perform Direct Pay without the need for the card component, see the next section.PayfortPayButton methods
/**Update Request After doing Setup - Parameter request: a new request dictionary*/
public func updateRequest(request: [String: String])
/**Responsible for Save token or not - Parameter enabled: a new bool value */
public func isRememberEnabled(_ enabled: Bool)
In this section we illustrate how you use the PayButton using sample code for Swift and Objective-C.
@IBOutlet weak var payButton: PayButton!
let builder = PayComponents(cardNumberView: cardNumberView, expiryDateView: expiryDateView, cvcNumberView: cvcNumberView, holderNameView: holderNameView, rememberMe: saveCardSwitch.isOn)
payButton.setup(with: request, enviroment: enviroment, payComponents: builder, viewController: self) {
// Process started
} success: { (requestDic, responeDic) in
// Process success
} faild: { (requestDic, responeDic, message) in
// Process faild
@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet PayButton *payButton;
PayComponents *builder = [[PayComponents alloc] initWithCardNumberView:cardNumberView expiryDateView: expiryDateView cvcNumberView: cvcNumberView, holderNameView: holderNameView rememberMe: saveCardSwitch.on];
[payButton setupWithRequest: request
enviroment: enviroment
payComponents: builder
currentViewController: self
Success:^(NSDictionary *requestDic, NSDictionary *responeDic) {
} Canceled:^(NSDictionary *requestDic, NSDictionary *responeDic) {
} Faild:^(NSDictionary *requestDic, NSDictionary *responeDic, NSString *message) {
For more information about Custom Checkout implementation refer here