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ZenCart plugin for Paylike

This plugin is not developed or maintained by Paylike but kindly made available by a user.

Released under the GPL V3 license:

Supported Zen Cart versions Last succesfull test

The plugin has been tested with most versions of Zen Cart at every iteration. We recommend using the latest version of Zen Cart, but if that is not possible for some reason, test the plugin with your Zen Cart version and it would probably function properly.


After you have your Zen Cart setup, follow these simple steps:

  1. Signup at (it’s free)
  2. Create a live account
  3. Create an app key for your Zen Cart website
  4. Upload the files in the upload folder to your root zen cart installation.
  5. Activate the plugin through the 'Modules/Payment' screen in Zen Cart.
  6. Insert the app key and your public key in the settings for the Paylike payment plugin

Updating settings

Under the Zen Cart Paylike settings, you can:

  • Update the payment method text in the payment gateways list
  • Update the payment method description in the payment gateways list
  • Update the title that shows up in the payment popup
  • Add test/live keys
  • Set payment mode (test/live)
  • Set the status the order should get into when you do a refund/void/capture
  • Change the capture type (Instant/Manual via the transaction tool)

How to

The following actions are available by clicking on the Click for Additional Payment Handling Options link in order details windows.

  1. Capture
  • In Instant mode, the orders are captured automatically
  • In delayed mode you can capture an order using the in order transaction table actions. In that table you will see Capture when this is available
  1. Refund
  • To refund an order you can use the in order transaction table actions, this is only available for orders that have been captured. Click the button and follow the instructions
  1. Void
  • To void an order you can use the in order transaction table actions. You can only do this if the order is not captured, if you have captured already use the refund.

Available features

  1. Capture
    • Zencart admin panel: full capture
    • Paylike admin panel: full/partial capture
  2. Refund
    • Zencart admin panel: full/partial refund
    • Paylike admin panel: full/partial refund
  3. Void
    • Zencart admin panel: full void
    • Paylike admin panel: full/partial void