The iOS/MacOS SDK provides a flexible and easy to integrate payment solution for your iOS/MacOS applications.
View our open source sample / demo app VoucherMill.
In the Honey Store tutorial we show you how to use the iOS SDK together with your backend, enabling returning (1-click) payments. In addition, we integrated the free library for card scanning.
- Start with the SDK guide.
- Install the latest release.
- If you want to create transaction and preauthorizations directly from within your app, install the PAYMILL mobile app.
- Check the sample / demo app VoucherMill for a showcase and stylable payment screens.
- Check the full API documentation.
iOS 6.0 or later / OS X 10.6 or later.
- Xcode users add 'PayMillSDK' folder to their project.
- CocoaPods users add this dependency to their
pod 'PayMillSDK', '~> 2.2.0'
In cases Cocoapods central repository is not available, you can add folowing line to your Podfile
pod 'PayMillSDK', :git=>'', :branch=>'master', :tag=>'2.2.0'
A PMPayment object contains the credit card or bank account information of a customer. A PMPaymentParams object contains the parameters of a payment - amount, currency, description. Both must always be created with the PMFactory class.
Create PMPayment and PMPaymentParams and call PMManager generateTokenWithMethod with your PAYMILL public key and mode.
NSError *error;
PMPaymentParams *params;
id paymentMethod = [PMFactory genCardPaymentWithAccHolder:@"Max Musterman"
cardNumber:@"4711100000000000" expiryMonth:@"12" expiryYear:@"2014"
verification:@"333" error:&error];
if(!error) {
params = [PMFactory genPaymentParamsWithCurrency:@"EUR" amount:100
description:@"Description" error:&error];
if(!error) {
//generate token with PAYMILL public key
[PMManager generateTokenWithPublicKey:myPublicKey testMode:YES
method:paymentMethod parameters:params
success:^(NSString *token) {
//token successfully created
failure:^(NSError *error) {
//token generation failed
To create transactions and preauthorizations directly from the SDK you first need to install the Mobile App. In the code you will have to initialize the SDK, by calling PMManger initWithTestMode method with your PAYMILL public key and mode.
//init with PAYMILL public key
[PMManager initWithTestMode:YES merchantPublicKey:myPublicKey newDeviceId:nil init:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
if(success) {
// init successfull
// start using the SDK
NSError *error;
PMPaymentParams *params;
id paymentMethod = [PMFactory genCardPaymentWithAccHolder:@"Max Musterman" cardNumber:@"4711100000000000" expiryMonth:@"12" expiryYear:@"2014"
verification:@"333" error:&error];
if(!error) {
params = [PMFactory genPaymentParamsWithCurrency:@"EUR" amount:100 description:@"Description" error:&error];
if(!error) {
[PMManager transactionWithMethod:paymentMethod parameters:params consumable:TRUE success:^(PMTransaction *transaction) {
// transaction successfully created
failure:^(NSError *error) {
// transaction creation failed
- iOS10.3 supoort added
- Bug fixes
- Added new methods to create transactions and preauthorizations with a payment object.
- Added a Safe Store to securely save payment objects with a user password.
- Bug fixes
- Mandatory changes in infrastructure
- Bug fixes
- MacOS Support
- Bug fixes
- Added new method to generate Payments using IBAN and BIC in the PMFactory.
- Added new methods to generate token without amount and currency in the PMFactory.
- All failure callbacks are now returning NSError instead PMError. Check PMError.h to see returned error codes.
- Improved error handling. BRIDGE error type added in PMError. You can use this to give the user concrete information, why his card is rejected.
- ARM 64 support
- PMErrorType documented
- Bug fixes
- Bridge error response fixed
- Credit card holder issue fixed
- Appledoc improved
- Typos in headers and appledoc fixed
- Linkage issue fixed
- First live release.
- Added the possiblity to generate tokens without initializing the SDK. The method can be used exactly like the JS-Bridge and does not require extra activation for mobile.
- Added getVersion for the SDK.
- Bug fixes