news-headline-trends visualizes data related to word occurences in New York Times headlines.
The app consists of the two mains features:
- Word occurence visualisation: Interactive line graphs show the frequency of selected keywords in NYT headlines, which can be used to identify trends and patterns over different time periods.
- Headline sampling: Headlines that contain a given keyword can be sampled by clicking on a trace in the graph.
Technology stack: PostgreSQL, Redis, React, Docker
- Docker Compose: Installation Guide
- New York Times API Key: Sign Up Here
- Environment Setup:
Create a .env
file in the project root with the following variables:
: name of the user to connect to PostgreSQL databasePOSTGRES_PASSWORD
: password for userNYT_API_KEY
: API key obtained from the NYT Developer Network
An example file,
NYT_API_KEY=newyorktimesapikey # replace with your API key
- Build and run containers:
Execute the following command to build and run the application:
docker-compose -f deploy/local/docker-compose.yml up --build
- Data Loading:
Use the
script to load NYT headlines into the database:
After completing the setup, the application will be available at http://localhost:80
- Database: Cockroach DB
- React app: Vercel
- Redis: Upstash
- FastAPI:
- Data loading: Cloud Run