CSS and HTML templating for commonly used elements along with guidelines for web standards.
- Adds Modifier Classes Section
- Adds vertical sliders
- Adds button-controlled version of vertical sliders
- Removes CSS snippets that have been merged into the codebase
- Fixes display issues in Firefox with fonts and flexboxes
- Adds documentation regarding imports not loading in Firefox
Initial release includes the following sections:
- About This Guide
- How-to-use-this-guide Section
- Typography
- Colors
- Boxes (module variations)
- Controls with:
- Buttons
- Horizontal Sliders
- Button-controlled Sliders
- Vertical Sliders
- Switches (toggles)
- Forms (text inputs only)
- Tables
- Scrolling Content
- Touch-Action behavior
- CSS and HTML coding guidelines
- HTML demo
Also includes:
- JS content and snippet loader
- Source Sans Pro and Source Code Pro fonts