A reincarnation of Guido van Robot / Karl the Robot for the web
After cloning the repository you'll want to install the dependencies using npm. Go to the cloned git repository in your command line and run:
npm install
To start the server running use:
npm start
If you are changing code around, you'll want to use the following command to start a server that continuously rebuilds the javascript files:
npm run dev
A quick note about facebook login in your dev environment. If you want it to work, you need to go to http://local.carduner.net:8000 (which just points to so that facebook will accept your authentication requests.
This project uses ECMAScript 6. You'll want to hook up a linter with whatever code editor to use to make sure you don't get build errors. Here are some links to resources that will help you set up linting with your code editor.
To just run the linter in the console, type:
npm run lint