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Pre-commit hooks for PCDS projects (

To install pre-commit on your machine:

On Linux, use $ pip install pre-commit or conda install pre-commit -c conda-forge from your favorite python environment. On Mac, use $ brew install pre-commit, or follow the Linux instructions. On Windows, set up python either your favorite way or by using, and then follow the Linux instructions.

To install pre-commit hooks to a local repository:

If .pre-config-config.yaml does not already exist in the repository, copy the appropriate file from this repository to the top-level of your local repository, or add the folowing to an existing .pre-config-config.yaml file and commit the addition.

-   repo:
    rev: v2.5.0
    -   id: no-commit-to-branch
    -   id: trailing-whitespace
        files: \.(TcPOU|TcDUT|TcGVL)$

-   repo:
    rev: v1.7.1
    -   id: twincat-leading-tabs-remover
    -   id: twincat-lineids-remover
    -   id: twincat-xml-format
    -   id: check-fixed-library-versions
    -   id: no-product-version
    -   id: twincat-st-newline
    # Check if minimize id changes is selected in the plc project file.
    # See why to do this.
    -   id: minimize-id-changes
    # Checks if TwinCAT versions match in different tsproj files, or if it matches the targeted one.
    -   id: check-twincat-versions
        # Possible optional arguments
        # --target-version: Set a version that you want the tsproj file to have
        # --fix: Fix the version numbers if a target version is set
        # --reason: Add a reason to the error message in case of a non-matching version.
        # --pinned: Require the TwinCAT version to be pinned. Apply pinning if combined with --fix.
        # --no-pinned: Require the TwinCAT version to not be pinned. Remove pinning if combined with --fix.
        args: [--target-version=3.1.4024.20, --pinned, --fix, --reason="This version has a crucial new feature"]
    # Optional, if you use pytmc to generate EPICS IOCs:
    # -   id: pytmc-pragma-linter

Once the file is there, run the following from inside your repository:

$ pre-commit install          # install for this repo based on the config
$ pre-commit run --all-files  # run on everything
$ pre-commit run              # run on staged
$ git commit -am "test"       # run pre-commit and - if successful - commit

Issues and client integration

If pre-commit is not an available command, you may need to look into platform-specific configuration. Generally, you'll need to be in a shell environment that has access to python and with pre-commit installed as directed in the above sections. Typical issues include a misconfigured PATH variable and not having python available. For specific help on integrating with various clients and on various operation systems, see the sections below. If you solve other client integration problems for your favorite workflow, please expand this section in a pull request.

Shell Integration on Windows

  • Make sure git is set up for normal shell use (a git installation option) if you want to use cmd or powershell
  • I have had success using the Anaconda Powershell Prompt and a conda environment with pre-commit installed

Git Bash Integration on Windows

  • Add the following to your ~/.bash_profile: alias python='winpty python', to allow python to run without hanging.
  • If using conda, run $ conda init bash, using the conda.exe in your ~/miniconda3/scripts folder. You may also want to set up your ~/.bash_profile to conda activate your pre-commit environment.
  • Restart your shell after doing the above.

TwinCAT Integrated Git on Windows

  • Someone needs to investigate this one. I don't have this running locally yet and am happy enough with the shells for now.

VSCode Integration on Windows

  • Someone needs to figure out how to get the git extension to work here.
  • If your shell integration works, you can connect to this in the integrated terminal by setting to the same arguments as used in the Anaconda Powershell prompt shortcut's properties.