This document contains the code used to generate the analysis found in Oddo et al. (2017), Deep Uncertainties in Sea-Level Rise and Storm Surge Projections: Implications for Coastal Flood Risk Management.
Full Citation:
Oddo, P. C., Lee, B. S., Garner, G. G., Srikrishnan, V., Reed, P. M., Forest, C. E. and Keller, K. (2017), Deep Uncertainties in Sea-Level Rise and Storm Surge Projections: Implications for Coastal Flood Risk Management. Risk Analysis. doi:10.1111/risa.12888. (View Online)
In this analysis we examine the effects of model and parameter uncertainties underlying the decision-analytical model described in Van Dantzig (1956):
Van Dantzig, David. "Economic decision problems for flood prevention." Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society (1956): 276-287.
The Van Dantzig (1956) model uses a cost-benefit framework to determine the optimal dike heightening for a single polder. In this model, the costs of investing into flood protection are weighed against the expected damages from a flood event, given a set of economic and geophysical parameters:
Parameter | Value | Description |
p_zero_p | 0.0038 | Initial flood frequency (1/yr) with zero height increase |
alpha_p | 2.6 | Exponential flood frequency constant |
V_p | 1e+10 * 2 | Value of goods protected by dike (includes "factor of 2" for cost of human life) |
delta_prime_p | 0.02 | Discount rate (percent/year) |
k_p | 4.2e7 | Cost of heightening dikes by 1 meter (Guilders) |
subs_rate | 0.002 | Rate of land subsidence (meter/year) |
sea_level_rate | 0.008 | Rate of sea level rise (meter/year) |
Our analysis is evaluates the effects of increasing parametric and structural model uncertainties using the Van Dantzig (1956) model as a baseline. The effects of these uncertainties are evaluated for four decision objectives (Minimize Investment Costs, Maximize Reliability, Minimize Expected Damages, Minimize Total Costs). Each component of the analysis is contained in the following folders:
- The
recreates the original anylsis described in Van Dantzig (1956), using the best-guess parameter values provided in Section 6: "The Doubtful Constants." - The
version uses the same structure as the baseline, but introduces uncertainty in the parameter values. - The
version introduces uncertainty in the model structure but implementing an updated sea-level rise model. - The
version introduces storm surge projections generated using a generalized extreme value (GEV) analysis.
Each iteration of the model builds of the version preceding it, beginning with the vanDantzig_baseline.R file in the Baseline_Model
folder. For example:
> vanDantzig_Uncertainty.RUncertainty_SLR
> vanDantzig_SLR.RUncertainty_SLR_GEV
> vanDantzig_SLR_GEV.R
For each model version, the following diagnostic plots are produced:
- 'Optimal' dike heightening compared to baseline model
- Pairwise tradeoff curves for the four decision objectives
- Pairwise scatter plots for model parameters
- Histograms for model parameters
Each version of the model also produces output for two types of sensitivity analysis, local (One-at-a-time (OAT)), and global (Sobol'). Instructions for running these analysis and producing associated figures are either in the scripts or in additional READMEs.
- zoo
- lubridate
- lhs
- extrafont
- fExtremes
- extRemes
- timeSeries
- compiler
- fields
- KernSmooth
- RColorBrewer
- sfsmisc