Repack and Compress Line-transition Data for Radiative-tranfer Calculations
This code identifies the strong lines that dominate the spectrum from the large-majority of weaker lines. The code returns a binary line-by-line (LBL) file with the strong lines info (wavenumber, Elow, gf, and isotope ID), and an ascii file with the combined contribution of the weaker lines compressed into a continuum extinction coefficient (in cm-1 amagat-1) as function of wavenumber and temperature.
Currently available databases:
- ExoMol (
- Kurucz's TiO (
has been tested to work on Python 3.6 and 3.7; and runs (at least) in both Linux and OSX. You can install repack
from the terminal with pip:
# Note that on PyPI ``repack``is indexed as ``lbl-repack``:
pip install lbl-repack
The following example compresses the Exomol HCN line-transition data. First, download the ExoMol HCN dataset (there is no need to unzip the files):
# Download ExoMol HCN data:
Then create a repack configuration file ('repack_HCN.cfg') like this below:
# Line-transition files:
lblfiles = 1H-12C-14N__Harris.trans.bz2
# Database type [exomol, hitran, or kurucz]:
dbtype = exomol
# Output file name (without file extension):
outfile = HCN_exomol_harris-larner_0.3-33um_100-3000K_sthresh_0.01
# Wavenumber boundaries and sampling rate (in cm-1):
wnmin = 303.0
wnmax = 33334.0
dwn = 1.0
# Temperature sampling:
tmin = 100.0
tmax = 3000.0
dtemp = 100.0
# Line-intensity threshold for strong/weak lines:
sthresh = 0.01
# Maximum chunk size of lines to handle at a time:
chunksize = 5000000
ncpu = 5
And run repack
repack repack_H2O.cfg
which will produce the following screen output:
# Call the repack command-line executable for the HCN demo config file:
repack repack_HCN.cfg
repack: line-transition data compression.
Version 1.4.1.
Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Patricio Cubillos.
repack is open-source software under the MIT license.
Starting: Fri Apr 3 14:45:25 2020
Unzipping: '1H-12C-14N__Harris.trans.bz2'.
Unzipping: '1H-13C-14N__Larner.trans.bz2'.
Reading: '1H-12C-14N__Harris.trans.bz2'.
Reading: '1H-13C-14N__Larner.trans.bz2'.
Flagging lines at 100 K (chunk 1/14):
Compression rate: 96.82%, 148,115/ 4,662,663 lines.
Flagging lines at 3000 K:
Compression rate: 86.89%, 611,256/ 4,662,663 lines.
Total compression rate: 84.60%, 717,921/ 4,662,663 lines.
Flagging lines at 100 K (chunk 14/14):
Compression rate: 95.47%, 209,217/ 4,619,175 lines.
Flagging lines at 3000 K:
Compression rate: 75.13%, 1,148,804/ 4,619,175 lines.
Total compression rate: 73.22%, 1,237,122/ 4,619,175 lines.
With a threshold strength factor of 0.01,
kept a total of 7,553,671 line transitions out of 65,586,274 lines.
Successfully rewriten exomol line-transition info into:
'HCN_exomol_harris-larner_0.3-33um_100-3000K_sthresh_0.01_lbl.dat' and
End: Fri Apr 3 14:51:06 2020
The output binary file 'HCN_exomol_harris-larner_0.3-33um_100-3000K_sthresh_0.01_lbl.dat' contains the line-by-line opacity information for HCN, which represent most of the opacity contribution into the spectrum. The information is encoded as a sequence of three doubles and an integer containing the wavenumber (in cm-1), lower-state energy (in cm-1 units), gf value, and isotope index, respectively, for each transition. This info can be easily read with the following python script:
import repack.utils as u
wn, elow, gf, iiso = u.read_lbl('HCN_exomol_harris-larner_0.3-33um_100-3000K_sthresh_0.01_lbl.dat')
The output ascii file 'HCN_exomol_harris-larner_0.3-33um_100-3000K_sthresh_0.01_continuum.dat' contains the remaining opacity contribution of the weak lines (in cm-1 amagat-1 units) as function of wavenumber and temperature. This is a minor contribution compared to that of the LBL output file.
Since some ExoMol .states files have been MARVELized (refined energy levels), the .trans files are no longer sorted by wavenumber. This is a problem for repack
since its binaary searches rely on a sorted wavenumber files. To solve this, the user should sort the files before repacking:
# First sort the .trans files (use same config file as a repack file):
repack -sort repack_H2O.cfg
# Now run repack as usual:
repack repack_H2O.cfg
Please, be kind and acknowledge the effort of the authors by citing the article asociated to this project:
Cubillos (2017): An Algorithm to Compress Line-transition Data for Radiative-transfer Calculations, ApJ 850, 32.
Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Patricio Cubillos.
is open-source software under the MIT license (see LICENSE).