This repository represents a ASP.NET web application that interactis with an IoT Irrigation System, mainly communicates with the sink module via MQTT and makes CRUD operations on a MongoDB database.
Users are allowed:
- To authenticate with an existing account.
- To add/edit/delete users.
- To add roles.
- To manually control (turn on/off) the irrigation valves.
- To visualize real time state of the valves.
- To add irrigation plans.
- To edit/delete irrigation plans.
- To visualize collector data in tables and charts.
- To visualize automated irrigation times in tables and charts.
- To visualize valve action logs in tables.
- To visualize users and roles in tables.
- To configure irrigation mode (manual/automated).
- To configure automated irrigation process.
- To configure the sink module.
git clone
cp appsettings.example.json appsettings.json
docker compose up
The app is running at: http://localhost:5000