mvn package
docker-compose up
java -jar target/spring-petclinic-2.3.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar
docker exec -it spring-petclinic_mysql_1 mysql -upetclinic -ppetclinic
show databases;
use petclinic;
show tables;
| Tables_in_petclinic |
| owners |
| pets |
| specialties |
| types |
| vet_specialties |
| vets |
| visits |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
select * from petclinic.owners;
| id | first_name | last_name | address | city | telephone |
| 1 | George | Franklin | 110 W. Liberty St. | Madison | 6085551023 |
| 2 | Betty | Davis | 638 Cardinal Ave. | Sun Prairie | 6085551749 |
| 3 | Eduardo | Rodriquez | 2693 Commerce St. | McFarland | 6085558763 |
| 4 | Harold | Davis | 563 Friendly St. | Windsor | 6085553198 |
| 5 | Peter | McTavish | 2387 S. Fair Way | Madison | 6085552765 |
| 6 | Jean | Coleman | 105 N. Lake St. | Monona | 6085552654 |
| 7 | Jeff | Black | 1450 Oak Blvd. | Monona | 6085555387 |
| 8 | Maria | Escobito | 345 Maple St. | Madison | 6085557683 |
| 9 | David | Schroeder | 2749 Blackhawk Trail | Madison | 6085559435 |
| 10 | Carlos | Estaban | 2335 Independence La. | Waunakee | 6085555487 |
| 11 | Burr | Sutter | 123 ABC Lane | Wonderland | 5555555555 |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
open http://localhost:8080
The GUI results with "Burr" as an owner when connected to MySQL
Create a new OpenShift Project
with spring-petclinic
Then move to Developer perspective:
And create a new MySQL instance by clicking the +Add
button and choosing the Database
Choose MySQL Ephemeral:
and Click Instantiate Template
Then fill the wizard with the following parameters:
Click the Create
Click the +Add
button and choose From Git
Fill the git repo with the following value
and select the project as Java project:
Click the Build Configuration
Add the following environment variables:
Finally click the Create
button and wait until the Build is done and the Pod is up and running (dark blue around the deployment bubble).
Then push the Open URL button to view the Pet Clinic app:
And if you visit the MySQL deployment's Terminal then you connect to the database to see the schema and data
mysql -u root -h mysql -p
use petclinic;
show tables;
select * from owners;